I'm Seeing Facebook Updates About The Convention Today...

by mentallyfree31 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mentallyfree31

    I'm starting to see facebook updates roll in about the convention today. It's the first round of conventions in my state.

    Every time I see an update, I am SO GLAD that I wasn't there to listen to all their bullsh**. It's a GREAT feeling knowing that I will never have to sit in a crowd of 5,000 people again and listen to speakers scold me about facebook, worldly people, overtime, pornography, the interweb, twitter, texting, worldly family, secular reading, workmates, school sports, and football.

    What about everybody else? Are any of your JW friends going to the convention this weekend?


  • Heartbreaker

    Its scheduled for my area this weekend as well. Never so glad to have missed it. My kids spent the day at the pool, I washed all my windows (funny ironic JW stigma moment) and plan to enjoy a cookout, more pool time, and visits with some EXJWs as well this weekend. Life is good.

  • straightshooter

    I understand that in my area, some are going this weekend and some later next month.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It's a dressing down by angry parents.

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Some JW friends? of mine are a convention in Ft. Smith, Arkansas.

  • ziddina

    Hey, thanks, Mentally Free 31, for starting this thread!!!

    This behavior pattern amongst Jehovah's Witnesses just slays me - in so many different ways: "I'm starting to see facebook updates roll in about the convention today...."

    (Which means many active - or as I like to call them, "good little Jehovah's Witnesses" - are logging onto their Facebook accounts to yammer on about the spiritual 'food' they've just received...)

    And then we see one particular point brought out at the convention: "It's a GREAT feeling knowing that I will never have to sit in a crowd of 5,000 people again and listen to speakers scold me about facebook..., the interweb, twitter, texting,..."

    Gotta love the hypocrisy...


  • mentallyfree31

    I must admit: At last year's district convention, I sat on the top row and played on facebook on and off all throughout the day.



  • ziddina

    You go, Mentally Free!!

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