Catholics show JW's how to handle Pedophile issue.

by nicolaou 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    The Catholic Church has appointed a non-Catholic to lead its national organisation aimed at stamping out sex abuse within the Church.
    Eileen Shearer will head the Catholic Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults (COPCA), based in Birmingham.

    Ms Shearer has a 25-year career in children's services, including 16 years with the NSPCC as regional director for the South West.

    COPCA was set up after the Archbishop of Birmingham, the Most Reverend Vincent Nichols, promised to investigate all allegations of child abuse where no action has been taken in the past.

    By having a non-Catholic, no one can accuse the Church of policing itself

    Peter Jennings, press officer for the Archbishop of Birmingham

    Father Nichols, COPCA's chairman, said: "This appointment is a demonstration of our commitment to take a serious and conscientious approach to the children in our care.

    "Eileen Shearer is a leading professional in her field and brings with her a valuable experience and the highest credentials.

    "The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales unanimously endorsed the comprehensive report into this area carried out by Lord Nolan's committee.

    "Nobody should be in any doubt that we intend to continue the work we have already done in conjunction with the existing high quality child protection professionals in the Catholic Church."

    'Serious matter'

    Ms Shearer's role will focus on raising awareness of sex abuse throughout the Church; selection procedures and training standards for staff and volunteers; and responding to allegations of abuse.

    Ms Shearer said: "My job is to work with the existing professionals within the Catholic Church to take action and ensure that children are safe with the Church and to give families that confidence."

    Peter Jennings, the Archbishop's press officer, added: "It was always the intention to appoint the very best person for this job, therefore the field was not restricted to Catholics.

    "They have chosen a non-Catholic and it shows how serious the Catholic Church is about this matter.

    "By having a non-Catholic, no one can accuse the Church of policing itself."

  • AjaxMan

    Nicolau - "By having a non-Catholic, no one can accuse the Church of policing itself."

    It is a great idea. Unfortunately, the JWs, particularly the Boys of Brooklyn,are not perceptive to that idea as they consider other non-JW faiths to be part of the Devil. That's why they tend to police themselves.

    However, I got to tell ya: That was a great post.


    "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and the best things never die." - The Shawshank Redemption

  • bluesapphire

    Unfortunately, pedophilia exists in all areas of society: religions, clubs, daycare, even private homes.

    The Catholic Church is showing that they are sincerely trying to prevent this from happening in the future and that they want to do what they can to correct the past.

    This truly is humble, in my opinion.

    The Society should look at this as an example to learn from. The Church they detest and attack is one up on them here!

    Are you reading Brooklyn?

  • thewiz

    On a regualr basis whose ass does everybody kiss? That's right. It's your boss, the person who pays you. The person who hired you. The one who raised you from the dregs and gave you food to put on your table. We all know that we give special allowances for the boss. It's no different here.

    It might be an independent group but the boss is still the Catholic church.

    It's like internal affairs for police. How can you rightfully have yourself investigated. Unless something is so blatently obvious, it gets swept under the rug. It will/can be the same for the church.

    Do you really think these people hired to investigate have entirely fogotten who their boss is?

    Look at the PR they did for the Jewish problem of the 30's and 40's it was so good that they got everyone believing that they actually tried to save the Jews. Millions and millions of people and they looked the other way. There are people, even on these Boreds that defend the Catholic church.

    Some even believe that it's OK, because the Catholic church said they were sorry.

    Two things are the Catholic churches ally, more lies and time.

    There is only ONE impartial judge and that is Jesus Christ. He can't be bought, he can't be bribed, he can't be tricked.

    So to say that the Catholic church is better than the WTB&TS is pointless and invalid.

  • sf


    See also:

    17 Sep 01 | UK
    'Root out child abuse' church told
    17 Apr 01 | UK
    Clergy checks urged to protect children
    17 Apr 01 | UK
    A victim speaks out
    19 Jul 00 | UK
    Paedophile cases haunt the church
    12 Sep 00 | UK
    Church acts on paedophile priests


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