Nothing but THE TRUTH?

by Terry 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Jehovah's Witnesses teach THE TRUTH.

    What they do not have is the WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT the truth.

    They identify a source for their understanding. But, it is a misidentification!

    Jehovah's Witnesses point to the installed King on the throne, Christ Jesus and to the New World Translation for their instruction.

    They are pointing in the wrong direction. Jesus is not a RETURNED king ruling invisibly for the last 97 years as the Watchtower teaches.

    For one thing, their Jesus has done nothing for almost a century!

    The TRUTH has constantly been a comedy of errors needing correcting. Why would Jesus corrupt his perfect Word by using feckless reporters who distort his Father's Kingdom message? Isn't this exactly what NEW LIGHT amounts to? Getting a wrong report corrected?

    Secondly, the New World Translation is based on texts which themselves are further based on corrupt copies for which NO PROOF exists (documents destroyed) to verify the FOUNDATION of Watchtower understanding of Jehovah's purpose. Proof texts are only approximations!

    Third, door to door "preaching" has had the result of creating confusion in the mind of citizens of the world about the reliability of anything Jehovah says about Armageddon or its chronology!

    Quite naturally, they confuse the shoddy performance of Watchtower writers (as JEHOVAH'S witnesses) with God himself.

    For this they shall have to answer!

    Fourth, the theology of JW's has created a core authority which serves to counterfeit the MEDIATOR relation between God and man. This role properly befits JESUS and not the Governing Body of misled and misleading men in New York.

    Consequently, THE TRUTH is THE DELUSION of men!

    The WHOLE TRUTH is that the Watchtower chronology, as always wrong, wronger and wrongest, misreports the Rule of invisible Jesus, midisdentifies the time of His coming and misdirects obedience away from the Savior and toward their own imperfect counterfeit saviors of the Governing Body.

    NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH can represent the Most High God and His righteous standard. Unfortunately for the deceived deceivers of Jehovahland THE TRUTH falls short in every word ever spoken from the Watchtower Publishers.

    The Watchtower Society, its Beliefs, Doctrines and Practices are a golden calf being worshipped since 1879 while the Greater Moses confers with Jehovah in anticipation of his return from the "mountaintop" to destroy false worship once and for all time.

    Ask any Jehovah's Witness who their leader is and they will declare Jehovah/Jesus Christ. Ask them why they are contrarily loyal to men (of the Governing Body) instead and listen as they explain how they can serve two masters!

    That is the Whole truth and the other side of the story.

    Corrupt leaders corrupt THE TRUTH and that is nothing but the truth!

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Good write up Terry

    Makes light on just how much the WTS in its history has really honored and respected " The Truth "

    The JWS haven't put themselves in the light and glory of god at all but rather have

    indentured themselves into the power and glory of disingenuous men.

  • moshe
    -Third, door to door "preaching" has had the result of creating confusion in the mind of citizens of the world about the reliability of anything Jehovah says about Armageddon or its chronology!

    The Wt's last big tract campaign was in late 2006- "The end of false religion is near"- I think it was #37 in a long line of failed warning tracts the WT Org has out out over the last 100 years or so. Crying wolf for Jehovah's day of judgement has been a profitable enterprise for the WT religious publishing company, just like a tabloid warning us that aliens abducted Arnold Swartzeneggar and they implanted a control device into his brain.

  • thetrueone

    Crying wolf for Jehovah's day of judgment has been a profitable enterprise for the WT religious publishing company.

    Now thats what I call the truth

  • Terry

    Wouldn't it be lovely if somebody collected all the "failed" warning tracts and mounted them on fomecore and photographed it. It could be made into a poster.

    They could be mailed out to all the Kingdom Halls stamped "suitable for fraiming."

  • exwhyzee

    I remember back in 1974 C.E. when Tract number 3 came out. They "likened (now there's a Witness term) Likened tract 1 and 2 to Joshua's march aroung Jerico and the 3rd tract was like the third march and trumpet blast that would bring the walls down. We were was "wash-day" at last. We scurried around as fast as we could and stuck them in everyone's doors without taking time to talk. I went up to a house and was in the middle of sliding the tract into the door jamb when the door flew open. It was a someone from my high school (horrors!) She was a chain smoking biker type chick that hung out with the rough crowd and she was just glaring at me. I scurried away after muttering something unintelligible (probably about Jerico and trumpets etc.) The following Monday at school, with all the venom she could muster, she yelled across the student commons for me not to bring anymore of my religious **** to her house. I was in full persecution mode so I figured this was to be expected...I was only doing my part to save mankind. That was 36 years ago and nothing happened...tick-tock. I never went to my high school reunions by the way.

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