the latest light never shone on my inlaws

by DaCheech 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DaCheech

    my father-in-law and MIL, just came back from their great 3 day.

    while spending the evening with me, they go: this assembly was so full of wonderful things, etc, etc, etc.

    I said: what did you think about the latest light on the geration?

    my father in law with a perplexed look said: I think their going back to understandings of past!

    I said really?

    he said: I was was getting so excited about hearing about the generation and then they started talking (something about the new literature or so)....... ( i personally think he zoned out!)

    well, anyway could not plant much seeds in thick soil.

  • blondie

    I still remember when the change in the 1914 generation was made in 1995. Many jws were confused by it and just kept the old idea.

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