Why is There Wickedness On Earth..Just So I'm Clear? (Humor)

by mentallyfree31 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • mentallyfree31

    I'm trying to filter through my previous JW beliefs....as to why wickedness exists on earth:

    (1) A talking snake talked a naked woman into eating a piece of fruit.

    (2) God really wants to step in but he can't because of this weird predicament with the angels looking on..

    (3) But, the good news is that a man came and lived a few years and they put him to death.

    (4) So, if you will believe in this man, and tell a lot of other people about him...you will one day be perfect. And you can live in a world with nothing but Jehovah's Witnesses. One big happy family..

    It all sounds so funny when you back up and look at it objectively.



  • Finally-Free
    And you can live in a world with nothing but Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Who said there's no such thing as hell?


  • StAnn

    MF31, it's actually much more simple than that. God is all good. If we reject God, we reject goodness. Where goodness is absent there is evil.


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