JW Pioneer That Has Baptized Over 100 People!

by mentallyfree31 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mentallyfree31

    There is a sister in my former KH that has helped over 100 people to baptism. She is a genuinely nice person, and a very low key person. She is pretty much fairly quiet and keeps to herself. Her bookbag is huge, I have even seen her carry the insight books in that big bag.

    Just wondering, if somebody like this "wakes up" and realizes they are in a cult, what feelings do you think somebody like this would experience? Sure, she studied with them and "brought them in" in all sincereness and was simply doing what she believed was right.

    Would there be feelings of guilt? Sadness? What do you think?


  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    She'd commit suicide.

  • teel

    I sure wouldn't like to be in her place if that happened. I'm really happy I haven't brought anyone in; being guilty of making a whole congregation of idol worshipping drones would be almost too much to bear.

    For a while I was actually hoping maybe my parents will join, now I thank God they didn't. Now they know from me the insides of this cult too, and I am absolutely positive they find even the thought of joining repulsive.

  • yknot

    1) Denial (shock)

    2) Pain

    3) Anger

    4) Bargaining

    5) Depression

    6) Stabilization (realizing facts and knowing they have been lied to)

    7) Reconstruction or working through

    8) Acceptance

    Her ability to fair well through the process depends on support she receives and individual discernment.

  • sacolton

    Years and years of professional therapy and anti-depression drugs.

  • bob1999

    I would think if she is a genuinely nice person, as you say, she would spend the rest of her life trying to get those people she brought in, out.


  • mentallyfree31

    bob1999 - she would have a long road ahead of her, for sure!


  • jookbeard

    just think the amount of misery/pain/loss/possible problems with the blood issue/cutting off of family and friends, all a hundred fold, certainly should not be acclaimed for any thing great.

  • wobble

    I have had to face the fact that I did bring a few in to the Cult.

    You do feel an element of guilt, but I was only doing what I honestly believed in, and I always tried to give the "student" an appreciation of what the bible said, and how to read it, from that they can learn to exit for themselves.

    Except most were lazy, and let the WT do their thinking for them in no time,so I don't hold out much hope of them leaving, a number of them have married in as well, thus getting further enmeshed.

    I think such a person as that sister has too much invested emotionally in the Cult to ever wake up, if she does it will no doubt be harder for her than it was for me.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I suppose it's the same kind of guilty feeling one might get after realising they've given someone HIV.

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