Terrorist Threat On Border With Mexico

by betterdaze 0 Replies latest social current

  • betterdaze

    Channel 2 Investigates U.S. Border Security Part 1


    Channel 2 Investigates U.S. Border Security Part 2


    Terrorist Threat On Border With Mexico

    Posted: 12:59 pm EDT May 3, 2010Updated: 7:03 pm EDT May 3, 2010
    DOUGLAS, AZ -- The U.S. Border Patrol uses choppers, ATVs and horses to patrol the 2000-mile border between the Southeastern U.S. and Mexico. Agents say most of the illegals caught crossing are from Mexico or South America. Still, they say thousands of people caught are classified as O.T.M.'s, which stands for "other than Mexican". They report that includes hundreds of people from nations that sponsor terrorism.

    Channel 2 Action News anchor Justin Farmer traveled to Arizona to view a detention center near Phoenix. He viewed records that show illegals in custody from from Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Sudan and Yemen.

    WEB EXTRA: People Other Than Mexicans, Including From Terrorist Nations Captured In The Last Two Years

    Former Arizona U.S. Rep. J.D. Hayworth has seen the reports. "We have left the back door to the United States open," he said. "We have to understand there are people who definitely mean to do us harm who have crossed that border."

    WATCH: Channel 2 Investigates U.S. Border Security Part 1

    Farmer talked to an Arizona rancher who didn't want to be identified because he's afraid of the Mexican cartels who smuggle drugs near his property. He said he found a Muslim prayer rug on his ranch. "This is one more indication that there is a whole lot more than just a few Mexicans coming into the U.S.".

    A recent congressional report on the border threat confirmed members of Hezbollah have crossed the Southwest border. It shows photos of military jackets with Arab insignias found on the border. One depicts a picture of a plane crashing into the twin towers in New York City.

    Dave Stoddard was a border patrol agent for 20 years. "The American public has been kept in the dark about this issue," he said. "In my experience, for every one apprehended, at least 10 escape apprehension."

    The congressional report also revealed the route Middle Easterners take to get the United States. It showed they travel from Europe to South America, then to the tri-border region. That's where they learn to speak Spanish. The report said they then travel to Mexico and blend in with other illegals.

    WEB EXTRA: People Other Than Mexicans Currently In Detention In ICE Custody In Florence Arizona Including From Terrorist Countries

    Law enforcement officials believe one of the world's most wanted terrorists may have traveled into the U.S. in 2004 by coming through the mountains on the Mexico border. Federal agents confirmed Adnan Shurkajumah spent time in Atlanta just prior to Sep. 11th, and left on a bus. He is a Saudi Arabian pilot and bomb expert with a $5 million bounty on his head. In 2004, Shurkajumah was one of seven Al-Qaida members agents were looking for after they were spotted in Central America and believed headed to the United States through Mexico . Federal agents now say Shurkajumah seems to have disappeared.

    WATCH: Channel 2 Investigates U.S. Border Security Part 2

    Hayworth said one of the most grave concerns from the congressional report is that Mexican drug cartels will help terrorists smuggle weapons across remote border crossings.

    "If we learned nothing from 9-11, certainly we should have learned that our borders are important."

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