Conscience or Mind Control?

by hotspur 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • hotspur

    This was plainly wierd. I'm telling this story to warn others of the power of mind control.

    Not long after my marriage failed I met a darling photographer who has since become my wife. I walked away from the Borg, never to look back. We weren't living together (yet, we couldn't find anywhere) but we spent a lot of time and "evenings" together. Mrs. Hotspur suggested we visit this village in Dorset which was deserted druing WWII to facilitate D-Day training. The story is fascinating in it's own right but, so sad. Tyneham Village - Dorset.

    Anyway, we went and had a good look around all the empty houses which was strangely eerie to say the least. Then we went into the church. I walked over to the lecturn and the Bible was open. Guess to what reference? Psalm 83! I was fairly new out so you can only begin to imagine the emotions that went through me. Here I was, with the woman who wasn't my wife and away from the Organisation that had been my life for 38 years! It was horrid. Mrs. Hotspur knew something was wrong but I just couldn't tell her. I've still not fully told her now, some 4 years later.

    Don't let anybody tell you there is no such thing as mind control in this evil organisation - it's rampant and it's effects are deep and far-reaching. We've both hated that day. Neither of us really speak of it. I wonder if we should go back and put this 'demon' to bed.

  • leavingwt

    Thank you for sharing this with us. It's truly amazing how deeply ingrained some of our former thinking is.

  • PSacramento

    I don't get it....

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Psalm 83:18 in NWT:

    That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.

    The NIV uses "the Lord" instead of Jehovah.


    Mind control is far more effective than most people realize. It stays embeded deep in our minds and gets triggered by seemingly harmless things. It might be time to revisit the place and lay the demons to rest.

  • cyberjesus

    It sounds like remote mind control.

  • transhuman68

    You should visit more churches. They are all different, with Bibles open on different pages. Maybe then your experience will lose whatever significance you have given it.

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