Curious how Witnesses continue to think they can control your opinions

by troubled mind 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I made a comment on facebook a few months ago after attending a Witness funeral . I said I wished the memorail had been more about the deceased and less of a Sunday Public talk .......Well that went over like a lead balloon ......A JW messaged me that she couldn't believe I said that ! I should know better and that those in attendance needed the witness of the resurrection(even though they were all witnesses there) But what amazes me is the lack of respect for someone elses opinion . Guess I HAVE been gone too long ....

    Then tonight I get a comment on Youtube from another JW......"you have a video of witnesses being responsible for someone committing suicide?¿... amongst others as your 'favorites.' Not cool !! "

    My question would be why was he going through my favorites, and why did he watch the forbidden video when it was obviously anti JW ? What's it to him what videos I look at anyways ?

    I just hope he looked at ALL of them and one gets him thinking ! He is a twenty-something ex-friend of my sons .


    Jehovah`s Witness`s are Social Retards.....With no understanding of Personal Boundries..

    Most of them Qualify for a Job.....As a parking lot Speed Bump..

    .................. ...OUTLAW

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