interesting site regarding reachout trust

by quietlyleaving 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • quietlyleaving

    we have been discussing child murders/murderesses (and alleged connections with satanism/occult) in our literature class. I was amazed to see this expose of reachout trust come up in the discussion

    Reachout Trust going over the top in the name of christianity?

    another link to the site -

    New Stars In The Satan-Scare Firmament
    The two new Star speakers are Jacqui Dillon and Ellen Lacter.

    Literature from the Bowlby Centre states:

    'Jacqui Dillon is a survivor of organised ritual abuse, torture and mind control.'

    Dillon heads up the Manchester Hearing Voices Network, a group of people whose common denominator seems to be that they have at one time or another been diagnosed as schizophrenic and who are dissatisfied with the orthodox treatment of the illness. Auditory Illusions are a common schizophrenic phenomenon which most psychiatrists fear the patient must live with but these people have formed a self-help network to help other sufferers to cope with the disturbing nature of voices in the head. Uniquely amongst this network Jacquie Dillon seems to be insisting that the voices people hear in their heads are those of Satanists who abuse them as children and who now have access to the victim's thoughts in some unspecified way. Be sure to understand this because the idea of a separate personality overtaking and controlling a person's mind is the theological definition of possession of the body by devils.

    However Dillon is not a psychiatrist and she is not a psychotherapist. We want to know why the Bowlby Centre are allowing an unqualified person to attempt to persuade listeners to redefine the standard psychological definition of schizophrenia?

    Although this is not the place for an in-depth debate about the definition of schizophrenia it is important to ensure the reader understands the crux of schizophrenia as depicted in the medical textbooks and that is:

    'The subject ceases to experience his mental processes and his will as under his own control; he may insist that thoughts are being put into his mind or removed from it by some alien force, or suspect that he is being hypnotized. He hears voices telling him what to do , commenting on or repeating his thoughts, discussing him between themselves or threatening to kill him. ' Oxford Companion Of The Mind. pp697

    The Satan Hunters are on very dangerous ground trying to redefine schizoprhenia as a symptom of Satanic Mind Control. It is the same mediaeval mind-set that caused epiplectics to be forcibly exorcised to rid them of devils. Think that couldn't happen again? Then you are wrong; recently a teenage epileptic was beaten to death in an exorcism ceremony designed to cure him!

  • quietlyleaving

    Here is a quote form the site that had me spilling my coffee

    In Scotland a man was prosecuted for flying a 'Nazi Flag' outside his home. His neighbour was Jewish and complained. In court it turned out that the man was a Bulgarian immigrant and was flying the Bulgarian State Flag (which contains an Imperial Eagle) on his National Day! Instead of criticising the police for bringing the case to court in the first place the judge threw it out with a warning to the Bulgarian that he should have taken into account the sensitivities of his Jewish neighbour before putting out the flag!
  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I don't know whether to be glad or dismayed that courts in other countries seem to be as backwards and lacking in sense as those here in the USA.

  • quietlyleaving

    mad Sweeney,

    I don't know whether to be glad or dismayed that courts in other countries seem to be as backwards and lacking in sense as those here in the USA.

    this is the position I often find myself in regarding our court system.

    well we now have a new prime minister and new coalition government forming and I wonder if there will be changes to how much power the police have. Although I did not vote conserative (centre right) I do agree with them that the police have too much power at the moment and this needs changing.

    I think we will have more freedom of speech and less surveillance. The labour government (centre left) was, I have to admit, becoming quite authoritarian.

  • quietlyleaving

    bttt bcause the site SAFF is quirky enough to warrant bringing to the top .

    but if any are reading it please appproach critically as I have to say I definitely don't agree with some of the views expressed there.

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