What do you think of the theory that the Watchtower is in receivership?

by jamiebowers 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • jamiebowers





    Before the Supreme Court ruling over the Swaggart case a typical door-to-door magazine presentation ran thusly, "The magazines are just 25 cents each!"

    Right after the Supreme Court ruling against Swaggart (and thereby also Watchtower), the typical presentation was "The magazines are for just a ‘suggested contribution' of 50 cents each."

    After the federal authorites were informed that the presentation was being deliberately worded to dodge paying taxes as seen in the preceding, they would have put Watchtower into receivership, meaning begun controlling its overall finances and selling off some assets to pay the back taxes and penalties. From that time forward the presentation would be more like "

    "The magazines are for any amount you may wish to contribute for the Worldwide Work."


    Watchtower drew closer to the U.N. hoping to get a bigger "cannon" to deal with the U.S. federal "cannon" of receivership and any other actions that might be taken to farther penalize or dismantle it

    Due to less and less money and imposed court direction, Watchtower's publications were made more cheaply, it had to lay off Bethelites, it had to sell some branch presses and buildings, had to sell huge skyscrapers, compact kingdom halls, sell its upstate New York farm, see some kingdom halls in the U.K., etc. Uncle Sam always gets his money. Due to the recession or depression due to the Stock Market collapse, Uncle Sam needs even more money than usual, hence the quickened pace at which Watchtower property assets have been sold off.

    Watchtower heads have stubbornly, stupidly resisted inevitable doctrinal reforms about blood and their two-witnesses policy on pedophilie elders, but the mounting fees of attorneys and sharply cut donations from regular JWs have caused them to make some minor changes and still more are rumored coming

    ExJWs have increasingly reported being stalked and harassed, attempts made to disrupt phone calls and conferences etc that are local, multi-state and sometime interenational. Some now fear for personal safety and safety of loved ones. The Feds appear to be coldly ignoring this.

    JWs are increasingly upset seeing a lot of weird "New Light" doctrinal changes. Armageddon has in essence been "delayed." Still, paranoia about "apostates" is at a fever pitch and only grows. Watchtower needs a scapegoat, so blames everything on ExJW apostates. Of course the biggest cannon isn't exJWs but the authorities, but Uncle Sam. As David said things aren't always what they appear to be. Yet JWs have up to now not known what was going on so readily worked against and blamed anything and everything against "evil" anti-God apostates (ExJWs). Also acted increasingly forcefully, physically against perceived foes.


    The suicides and fiery deaths that occurred in regard to the Heaven's Gate cult and the Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas, convinced Federal authorities of the need to keep the receivership quiet as long as possible. Watchtower's top-most officials hoped that if they played along quietly in time they might just as quietly get out of receivership.

    Federal authorities asked David to not blow the lid to the media so as to protect lives so he went easy but, as he could feel death coming, he insisted that he as a free, law-abiding and dying citizen get to express his proper indignation against Watchtower.

    They assented. He was right, plus there was no way to lawfully keep him from doing so and since he knew he was dying there was simply no power over him except that if they went along and appeared to be treating him fairly they could prolong keeping him from going to the "General" Public rather than just the community of Ex-JWs and Friends.

    They helped him put up and defend the watchtower.cc website. On facebook.com he put up a website for venting and letting off steam and they humored his request that they be among his Facebook friends there with their photos showing them in Judges' robes.

    Now, this theory or exercise in speculation-only concludes with "how it ends." The information is out there. Although Watchtower has tried to keep it quiet, this has failed. The authorities also wanted to keep it quiet, but that didn't work either. Word has only spread.

    Therefore effort must now shift to preparing the general Jehovah's Witnesses and the local elders with the realities. Too, there are Bethel workers of many years who were laid off. By now some, having been insiders, will have for example informed European Union officials of various matters along with confirming documents.

    All these things will hit the general news and simultaneously also get to the ears of regular JWs around the world. Some, being depressed persons also upset that Armageddon hasn't come, may suicide. Therefore, there is great need for U.S. federal officials to prepare for such possibilities and definitely to find ways to educate JWs so as to make for a softer landing.

    The only questions are if they will do so quickly, urgently, right now as needed, or if they will think they can keep prolonging the charade? We shall see what we shall see.

    Again, theory only.....


    Watchtower filed a letter pro-Swaggart re taxes

    When Swaggart lost, the 1990 case so did Watchtower

    Click to see Watchtower's letter that it filed on behalf of the ultimately losing effort of Swaggart (and itself) to evade paying taxes:

    From 1990 after the Government ruled against Jimmy Swaggart Ministries (JSM) over tax dodging, which would be about the time when Watchtower, as with JSM, was compelled to stop asking for a fixed amount of contributed money onwards to about 2002, that would be some 12 years total, time enough to run up a huge tax bill.

    It makes you wonder if the U.S. federal government about this same time looked into what Watchtower was doing and decided it was simply conducting a continuing subterfuge to get money untaxed from people around the U.S. and the world. If so, what would it then have done about that?

    Quite possibly it would have put Watchtower into "receivership," meaning it would have the final say on Watchtower's finances. Instead of taking this to the Public through the media, they would have been highly cautious and as quiet as possible because of the Branch Davidians cult deaths or suicides at Waco, Texas, in April 1993 as well as the Heaven's Gate cult suicides of 1997 outside of San Diego, California.

    Whenever an organization goes into receivership it is common practice that the government sells off the organization's assets. What kind of assets does Watchtower have? Those have largely been real estate.

    Increasingly Watchtower has been on a selling frenzy, getting cash for buildings worth hundreds of millions of dollars. It's a fact that some of that must be going to pay for quiet settlements of child abuse cases. But who or what has been getting the rest of the money? If Watchtower is in receivership from the government, you now have an answer.

    The timing would also fit. Before the stock market sank, the selling of assets would have been done, but during and since the selling of more assets would have even more impetus as the government itself became more in need of cash since during a recession or depression its own revenues also drop.

    This is only a "theory." But if the theory were right, it would mean that materially Watchtower must keep sinking. This must also lead to some pretty profound doctrinal changes. Money and the lack thereof always creates some "New Light."

    For whatever reasons, Watchtower's affairs with the United Nations have become so much more clearcut.

    The following would make an interesting movie. Imagine a young man who was sexually abused when a child. For years thereafter, even life-long, his health was rotten. His pleas to the heads of a giant religious enterprise for justice against his abusers fell on deaf ears. Then one day he saw a way to get their attention.

    Like David going up against Goliath he smartly contacted an even bigger Goliath or bigger power. He pointed out that his local religious body of Elders and such bodies around the earth were trying to evade tax payments by claiming they weren't doing so even though they were.

    They weren't telling the locals to sell magazines at twenty-five cents as before but were, say, telling the locals to tell people at the door "Would you like to donate for the magazine? There's no set price but a SUGGESTED DONATION is just fifty cents."

    And then somehow he, the abused young man, took sick. The bigger power took him under wing and it was found out that the young man had been given poison, say at a group get-together. If by a fanatical couple of elders, a family member or whoever, the reason for it was all the same -- to shut him up.

    Interesting story worth a movie, don't you think!? But then, it is only make believe; but then that's what movies are, and in real life realities are sometimes even harder to believe than what's make-believe.

    Time and events prove and disprove all matters including pure theories like this one is. God is true, and He shall prove to be what He shall prove to be.

    Watchtower in 1998 took out a full page advertisement in the New York Times protesting that the government of France was taxing and penalizing it. Look at this!


    Watchtower has not only lost a lot of money but over the years they also got a lot of money. This is to help follow their cash cows and money trails.

    Here will be put links that once clicked reveal Watchtower's ways of getting money in additional to what's given them in the Kingdom Halls and from magazine pleas for money to be willed to them etc. They have had a lot of ways to milk money.




  • JeffT

    Not a chance. Receivership is a legal process, the court filings would be public.

  • jamiebowers
    Not a chance. Receivership is a legal process, the court filings would be public.

    That's what I thought.

  • Balaamsass
  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Receivership is a legal term. There would be a clear, public record. It can't be done in secret.

    Something is happening, though, with all the moves towards liquidity. The New YOrk Times and Washington Post would report it in first page articles.

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