Being braver when it matters

by highdose 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    I have to declare, i'm a wuss!

    Theres so many times when i would love to do something and just havn't got the courage to. 2 Examples:

    I went to the market today, in front of me at the till were a British ex pat couple, i would have loved to introduced myself and maybe made freinds, but i just couldn't!??

    Then theres all the times i've seen a cute guy and wanted to say hello, but just been shaking in my shoes too much to do it!

    Maybe its a British trait? Maybe its just me? I'd love to know if theres a way to over come it?

    ... well there is one way... it involves a few glasses of wine, but thats not ideal!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    So in other words, you’re SHY!!!

    Nothing wrong with that, I’m shy too.

  • zzaphod

    I think you are just being British, and we Brits tend to be a bit reserved, and not as openly talkative as some other nationalities tend to be.

    Nothing to worry about, being shy is a normal thing to be, and as you get older, it may fade away, or not.

    All the best

    Paul UK

  • iknowall558

    I used to be shy......ha! Still am a wee bit a times, but if I feel I want to do something and need that extra push....I just ask myself what is the worst thing that can happen here? When I work out what it is , and I feel I can deal with that....then off I go.

  • peaches

    before you go to the store or where ever,,,plan ahead of things you could say to people you might like to if your in a grocery line,,,something as simple as ..."can you believe the price of these magazines??" ok,,,it sounds corny,,, get the idea..

  • lepermessiah

    You are not bring British, you are being human!

    I think you will be amazed at how much other people appreciate it when you take that extra step.

    They are probably dealing with the same emotions you are!

    Take it in small steps - I started with situations where it was extremely "easy" and it was right there for the taking.

    I went from being really shy (and i still have my moments) to being more and more outgoing.

    The funny thing is, the more I got away from "The Truth", the more confidence I have had! I dont know if they are connected, since I have taken other steps to combat it, but I think taking control of your life gives you more and more of that strength - best wishes to you!!

  • dgp

    Worry not, Highdose.

  • Finally-Free

    Think of it this way, you have nothing to lose. No one will kill you for smiling and saying 'hello'. You can make someone's day, and maybe your own too. Even antisocial bastards like me appreciate it.


  • wobble

    As a youth I used to be a bit shy with the ladies, but a randy old devil I knew said:

    "What is the worst that can happen ? they tell you to push off, but if you ask enough times, you will get a yes."

    He certainly got his share of action with the ladies.

    I have for many years been a cheeky sod with whoever I meet, and I cannot think of anyone who was nasty to me, so nothing to fear I say.

    The only guy who threw me a bit was one I met a week or so ago, did not seem to have any sense of humour, but I found out he has Aspergers Syndrome , and we are now firm friends, he grabs both my hands and shakes them as I leave !

    So dear Highdose, don't be afraid, have a laugh with all you meet, a happy funny lady is SO attractive to us red blooded guys, and everybody enjoys a chat and a laugh.


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