Its flea season for your pets or close to's a money saving tip

by restrangled 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    No chemicals needed. Just a comb through once daily over your pet with the hair put into a ziplock bag will keep you, your house and your pet flea free. Fleas love the face, (eyes, mouth, and chin....they drink from these areas) Spend about 10 minutes a pet.

    Gross but it is reality. If you daily comb your pet over these areas you will not need the chems that make your pets sick.

    Cats especially love this combing once they get use to it. My old long haired diva cat starts purring when I say" its time to comb." I cannot touch her tummy, but she lets me go to town until she feels she is finished and then gives me a good swipe.

    The Doberman, I can do anything to and I have yet to get a flea off of his bod after 3 years. I bathe him weekly with human shampoo and conditioner.

    I have yet to buy flea meds for either animal. We are in high flea season here in Florida.. We just had visits to to the worms, heart worms, or fleas.

    I do purchase heart worm meds for my dog.

    Anyway, if you take care daily...this is not a problem and no need for the horrible meds.

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