This is about evolution and even uses a phrase about religion in an ironic way. It's based on Bill Cosby's "Humans are the only creatures who allow grown kids to come back home."
What can be deduced from contemplating nature?
All of life's origin is same DNA, "A-Z"
From the line of our own nomenclature?
Our branch of the Family Tree, the chimpanzee?
I remember 'Pody,' our kids' pony.
She had a half-horse colt, Star.
When he came of age, she brooked no baloney.
To enforce weaning, a swift kick did bar.
When Mom & Pop birds, w/families like ours,
Adjudge it's time for younguns to leave
It's outta the nest; fly or push up flowers,
They never allow offspring to cleave.
The bonobo, and other chimps
Would not consider grown kids
Their own style to crimp.
Posterity never leeches, "heaven" fobids!
This is natural selection at work
Only the fittest survive.
All that's present now, w/whatever quirk
Are proucts of the best; we do thrive!
The sage observed humans are unique
In cradling grown kids; they're nature distorting.
Nature bids young their own way seek.
Fly or die--this is with nature comporting.
(edited for a few typos--surprised it could be undertstood!)