Why Jehovah’s Witnesses “Universal Sovereignty” Doctrine is Fallacious

by sabastious 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    Why Jehovah’s Witnesses “Universal Sovereignty” Doctrine is Fallacious

    Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in a concept that God’s “Universal Sovereignty” is currently in question by his rebellious spirit creation Satan the Devil.

    His “right to rule” became in question when Satan the Devil brought up the question in the Genesis Account of “why do humans and spirit creatures rely on God to live?”

    This spiraled Humans into the chaos that is our history: War, famine, pestilence and natural disasters all leading to the ultimate fate of Death.

    There are two main points to why even if this “test” were in action it has been wholly tainted and must be brought back to the drawing board!

    The first point is that God has not left the world alone. He continues to meddle with the affairs of humans from the time of the Tower of Babel to the inevitable “fall of all false religion”, when he puts it into the hearts of the nations to kill the harlot, which the Witnesses prophesy to occur soon.

    This in effect taints the test that “humans cannot rule themselves.” We never really had a chance to show our stuff so-to-speak since God had a concrete plan the second we “sinned.” Why attest the reasons for our calamities as “we cannot rule ourselves” when we all know we really never were given a chance to rule ourselves on our own without supernatural intervention?

    The second main point is the meddling of a second entity that is the Angelic Rebellion. Satan and his Demons continually work behind the scenes, invisibly, to corrupt and destroy the earth. Their obsession with sex and violence has been a major motivation while controlling humans alike around the world. They have created a rich world full of sinful desires of the flesh and mind of us all. Humans never had a chance to live in a world free from the corruption of this Invisible Rebellion or immeasurable power!

    Once all Jehovah’s Witness Prophecies are fulfilled and everything is said and done only one fact will be proven: that this Angelic Rebellion cannot rule the planet. They are too weak for God and his Angels, humans cannot withstand their temptations and Satan will have been proven a liar. But what about the Humans? Could they not challenge God in the exact same manner once Satan’s Challenge has been taken care of?

    What if in the New System a group of people ask: “God, I believe our world of happiness despite inevitable death is better than your world of eternal torture! Leave us be! Do not meddle in our affairs and see what we can make for ourselves without supernatural intervention! Satan has been proven a liar, but Humans can create a virtuous society.”

    Would Jehovah not be obligated to allow Humans a second go at it as stated above? Of course, because that challenge was not satisfied when Satan failed. So everything Jehovah’s Witnesses fight for is in vain, since it is not proving anything about Jehovah’s Sovereignty, but only proving that Satan the Devil, a being of pure evil is not a good “God of the Earth.”

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    These were my thoughts exactly. How could mankind who "because of inherited sin" is faulty rule himself, especially with demonic interference? It is all Rutherford poop.

  • not a captive
    not a captive


    The whole theological construction of the Organization is rotten. Just ditch it all and find for yourself the mustard seed that Jesus told us about. Even if there is infinite knowedge floating out there in the great beyond, most of us wake up each day with the obligations to pay rent and feed our family. The WTS has beat us all up with its "provisions" promising we know so much now. It steals our mustard seed.

    But the mustard seed of faith is where it is at for me. Scripture may have been messed with but neverthe less I am convinced that the essence of God's word was yet in the Logos, Jesus. That is MY mustard grain. And just as fervently I believe that any teaching that was ever derived from a committee's vote is not God's word and cannot be. Because our relationship with God cannot be tainted by a group, we cannot doubt that we can hear the word when we ourselves listen. Neither can we compel another to believe as we do.

    If ever we have a new "go" here on the earth, "vindication of God's sovereignty" would only be that we gently listen and repose in our faith. But we would not be organized.

    Glad you are up and running today, Maeve

  • gubberningbody

    Never mind the fact that according to the biblical narrative, Jehovah wouldn't sit by and see it through but instead interferred himself with man's development by bringing a deluge, confusing the languages at Babel and a host of other manipulations.

  • wobble

    I have a belief, not faith really just a belief, that hidden in the words ascribed to Jesus is the ultimate truth for humans.

    To paraphrase: " only treat other people as you wish to be treated" in other words with compassion and love.

    When humans learn to do that we will not need god, satan, a religion or an organization, it will be paradise.

    I doubt I will see much evidence of this taking hold in my lifetime, too much enlightening of the religious world, not least right-wing christian fundamentalists, has to be accomplished first.

    But, you are right, the whole doctrine of original sin etc. is a cock-up and a cop out, we humans are responsible for the mess this world is in, and we have to pull it out, not some sky-god.


  • gubberningbody



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