"Spiritual conversation"? What is that?

by teel 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • teel

    You surely remember that there were numerous exhortations to talk about spiritual things, especially in KH. I never quite understood what that's supposed to mean. (Which is probably why I talked so little in the KH I guess). Observing others it seemed the "spiritual conversation" basically revolved around praising the elder giving the talk, and repeating points of the speech.

    Because "individual thinking" is strongly discouraged, I fail to see how can people have a truly spiritual discussion. It may be my fault, but I see nothing spiritual in repeating one more time what has been said.

    To be fair there was one elder in my cong who I felt knew what spiritual discussion meant. When he was in a group, he actually made us think. He was quite manipulative though, he had a knack for directing our thoughts to society approved thinking only. Still, with him at least I felt almost free to think. I feel that without freedom of thinking there can be no true spirituality.

    So what is your experience? Have you ever had a spiritual conversation with a JW? Care to explain to me what they actually mean by that?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Spiritual conversation consisted of BS'ing your way through the content of the latest WT article in a car group by focusing on the illustration you scanned moments before. It was also talking about how your car was running lately while you were in service or how people didn't hold the microphone correctly while commenting. Many years of such stimulating conversation can make one mentally dull. W.Once

  • inbetween

    it made me think, because usually in the KH you talk about norma stuff, work, holiday etc, and I always felt a bit guilty, since it was not spirtual... however, what great can you talk especially after midweek meeting, where you learn for the 182nd time, how to offer the magazines or to invite people to the org etc....

    The only spirtual discussion I really had was when I asked or discussed deeper questions, (with some in our hall you can do that) but in the end, that easily led to questioning things, the society teaches...so sad, we have some great minds, the WTs restricts them and dumbs down any real spirituality...

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