PTSD / post tramatic stress disorder

by man in black 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • man in black
    man in black

    There was a post made earlier, that got me thinking about this.

    It seemed that when I was a witness if something bad happened to me the usual reply was, 'well you must be serving god right, satan is making

    life harder for you. He is trying to break your integrity. Keep your chin up, we're praying for you.

    If something good happened, people would nod and smile, one or two hardliners would say that perhaps I need to focus more on spiritual matters.

    So your damned if you do, damned if you dont.

    Even now after almost two years of leaving, i still get pangs of this behavior that bubble up once in a while.

    it seems like a thought process that makes a person feel unworthy unless things are going poorly, then you can be happy.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Yes, the WTS has a lot to answer for in regards to the feelings of inferiority they tried to instill in genuine followers.

  • peaches

    ptsd----major bummer

  • exwhyzee

    Thats the old Martyr Complex surfacing again "the more you're suffering....the more virtous you are"

    It's the same with some old timers who think if you are having fun while you must not be working hard enough.

    Time to erase all the old tapes running in your head and make fresh ones that make sense to you.

  • Cagefighter

    Yes I experienced something similar... Zoloft, working on my relationship with God and some really good friends helped me.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    After 15 years of being out I still have what I call "meeting night anxiety".

    I grow increasingly anxious as the day progressive, somewhere around 2 or 3 pm, I start to feel panicky and then voice in my head says "is it a meeting night?"

    This is followed instantly by the realization that it will never be "meeting night" again, and then I feel relief.

    I am not even aware of whats going on until I hear that voice, once I become conscience of it, it evaporates.

    I was in for more years then I am out, maybe in a few years when the JW part of my life is the minority instead of the majority, it wont effect me anymore.

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