Werniicke's Aphasia

by chapstick 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • chapstick

    After my light hearted post on "The problem with JW's and other Christians (Trinity)" there were a few who seemed to think I was suffering with Wernicke's Aphasia. I assure you that I have no speech impediment. The intent of the post was really to show that this type of disease exists mentally in some form among everyone. I have a small hobby with Lexiconology and if you follow it closely you will see that this is indeed the case. Nearly all English words including single syllables have multiple meanings. When any ancient text is translated, the meanings of even single syllable words can be masked; either intentionally or inadvertantly. The word idol is an example. The letter I in the English language almost always refers to one's self when used at the beginning of a word. There are exceptions of coarse. In any college dictionary if you look at the word idol it will be illustrated I-dol. Dol is something passed among people, something attractive or something wanted. Eye-Doll is as good of an interpritation as any other. Another word is Chap-el. Chap- or Chip- almost always means a small part, bit or little piece of something. -el is one of the most used Semetic terms for God. Therefore Chap-el literally means little god or small god. Take the word ignorant. Most people assume that the word means uneducated. Break the word down and it is obvious as to the meaning. Igno-r-ant. Igno- means to look over something or not pay attention to something IE: Ignore the obvious, smallest thing. -ant is of course a small insect. -rant is to rave, complain or abuse speech. This is indeed the case with an ignorant person. It ususally has nothing to do with education, they just don't pay attention to the obvious or Ignore the obvious and usually do rant and rave about it. The word human implys a Hued Man or man of color (all of us). Woman implys a man with a womb. The word Israel seems to imply Is-Ra-El. Is- is short for the Egyption god Isis. -Ra is the name of the Egyption sun god Ra. -El is a semetic word for God. Isis-Ra-God oris Ra God? Coincidence? Possibly, but it is interesting. I've reviewed the word Holy Bible. It can easily say or imply a bunch of little books that are full of holes. I realize that most people don't take it that way, but the meaning is still there. Coincidence? Possibly. The English lanquage is full of these implications and when translators translate they inevitabley imply their own understandingof a situation, word or phrase. Notice most any word that ends in -ness .-ness can mean complete or full. Look at the word Witness. Wit- means your wit, intellect or your sense of something. -ness means complete. To be a witness you are an observer to something in such a manner as to relay complete information tosomeone else. God's Witnesses or Jehovah's Witnesses seems somewhat misused in it's use as a name. To be a Witness to God or Jehovah one must observe, get a complete sense of something and relay said information to God. It seems that using the term witness to someone other than God is a somewhat misplaced use of the word.

    On a different subject I have noticed something in Genesis that I wonder if anyone else has. It seems to me that Able was the first one to break the first of the ten commandments and Cain was not the first killer. Able killed an animal and sacrificed it to God. Cain sacrificed plant life. This seems to me backwards from the way that God would approve of. Why would God be pleased with a blood sacrifice? Perhaps Cain was taking vengence on his brother for killing an animal. What do you think? There are many many implications to this including all of the blood sacrifices that the Hebrews made to God. It almost seems that the Bible was intentionally written to be misleading.

    BTW I still think that the Trinity is the primary division among Christian sects. A part of trinitarian division is Arian and non-Arian beliefs about Jesus. JW's adhere to the Arian belief.


    chapstick (chappy) god 7♥

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