Alward's Library Card and the Portuguese Letter

by Lionel_P_Hartley 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Lionel_P_Hartley

    Despite a total lack of credible evidence Alward continues to insist that the WTS affiliated as an NGO with the UN merely to get a library card. Since the various statements issued by the WTS have been deceitful, dishonest and contradictory then there is no reason to believe them. The onus of proof is on them, not upon those who documented this embarrassing relationship. As it stands the WTS entered into a relationship with the UN that carried various obligations and which led to various benefits. Whatever they say their motivations were, why should we accept them ahead of the factual statements by the UN about what NGO affiliation involves? Especially when the WTS's statements have been shrouded in deceit and accompanied by lies.

    Still, Alward turns the question on its head and says essentially that unless other evidence can be supplied (beyond the library card) then we must accept the WTS's explanation. However, as any freshman should know, lack of evidence for proposition B does not imply that proposition A is correct.

    But, there is evidence that the library card was not the sole motivation for the WTS. Look what the Portuguese branch office said:

    Article in Portuguese newspaper Público (Saturday, October 20, 2001) about the UN case:

    Testemunhas de Jeová Ligaram-se à "Besta"
    (Jehovah's Witnesses Connected with the "Beast")

    «"The registry as NGO was made only to be able to give humanitarian help and defend the human
    rights in several countries of the world", said to [the newspaper] Público Pedro Candeias,
    spokesman of the Association of Jehovah's Witnesses [AJW] in Portugal. In Portugal, however, the
    disaffiliation from the registry is not yet officially known by the AJW, which represents nearly 50,000

    «This [JW] official says the religious group to which he belongs has had "an important role" in the
    help to populations of countries like Angola, Bosnia, Georgia, Rwanda and other African or
    Latin-American [countries]. "To reach those countries was complicated and, for that reason, it was
    necessary to registry" the WTBTS in the United Nations. But that registry, he says, does not
    compromise the Jehovah's Witnesses with "any political involvement" with the UNO.»

    «"It is not a political maneuver", says the AJW spokesman, "because without the support of the
    UNO it would not be possible to distribute humanitarian help". And as the registry "does not violate
    the statutory precepts" of the JW, the criticisms to the registry in the DPI "do not have any basis",
    says Pedro Candeias.»

    So, Alward - there is your evidence. Actually, this statement accords rather well with the basic concept of NGO affiliation - that it is done in order to advance the shared goals of the UN and the NGO.

    All of this illustrates that the WTS is not to be trusted.


  • hawkaw

    Well said.

    Man, you are good.


  • JosephAlward

    I debunk the Portuguese argument in the Main forum.

    Joseph F. Alward
    "Skeptical Views of Christianity and the Bible"


  • freeman

    “I debunk the Portuguese argument in the Main forum”.

    You’re a smart feller and all; and you injected interesting rhetoric, but you debunked nothing sir.



    Hey Lionel,Your not going to get anywhere with Alward.That dude is thick.He`s either a troll or a nutcase!...OUTLAW

  • Lionel_P_Hartley


    Well, he's not a troll. And he's not exactly thick - just opinionated and pedantic. Personally I think he's painted himself into a corner and so his reputation has become so entangled with his argument that he has lost much needed objectivity. Often when people announce ahead of time that they have won the argument before it has really started, then it is a sign that they have lost some confidence in the validity of their case.

    There's nothing wrong with taking a Devil's advocate position. But one must know when to stop. For me, when I start to look for grammatical "escape hatches" to win an argument then I know I've gone too far. If an argument can be won only by redefining language then one has become like the WTS. Actually, this discussion has clarified a few things - not because of Alward, but in spite of him - and so, in that sense, it has been useful even though it has wasted far too much of my time.



  • Nassau

    Not surprisingly this scandal did not affect anything in the Portuguese JWs at all. I spoke to some Portuguese JWs friends that told me "nothing is wrong with this involvement, because it was for a very good cause - to help our brothers and sisters in Angola and Mozambique - to defend the most basic human rights".
    Funny, now Jehovah God needs to beg the help of Satan the Devil to protect his own children!!
    Hypocrites, that's it.

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