Obedience to Jehovah Is.......

by lepermessiah 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • lepermessiah

    A good friend of mine gave his first public talk Sunday.

    After much prodding, I decided to attend the meeting.

    The WT Study on Sunday (as Blondie commented on so well) was more mindless drivel about total obedience to Jehovah the elders and the governing body.

    Two comments struck me - on paragraph 4, the WT conductor asked a specific question on this statement:

    And there have always been some individuals who chose to subject themselves to God, even though they were

    living in a world ruled by God's great Adversary.

    An elder in the congregation commented "Obedience to Jehovah and subjection to him is following the direction of the elders and the governing body."

    And of course, paragraph 15 was a peach......

    Do I fully recognize the responsibilities that I should shoulder within the

    Christian congregation? Am I properly supporting Jehovah's way of governing? Am I proud to be a subject of

    Jehovah's ruling Kingdom? Am I determined to continue telling others about God's Kingdom to the extent that I

    reasonably can?' As a group, we willingly submit ourselves to the direction given by the Governing Body and cooperate

    with the appointed elders in the congregations.

  • carla

    "Am I proud to be a subject ofJehovah's ruling Kingdom?" - evidently not as getting them to admit they are jw's at the door is like pulling teeth. The rest of the article? my .02. Wait, isn't pride a sin?

  • tjlibre

    As a group, we willingly submit ourselves to the direction given by the Governing Body and cooperatewith the corporate appointed elders company men in the congregations.

    I strongly feel that the current emphasis on obedience to the GB and the ‘elders’ is a sign of weakness. I believe that over 50+% of the membership are not 100% are drinking the GB's "Kool-Aid". Loyalty to the Organization is at an all time low…and they know it.

    I don’t know if any of you have noticed. But in my congregation (100+ publishers), it’s always the ‘corporate men’ and the self righteous witnesses that comment on paragraphs like these.

  • lepermessiah

    it’s always the ‘corporate men’ and the self righteous witnesses that comment on paragraphs like these.

    Thats a great point. I totally agree. The corporate self-righteous men are a mighty army.....

  • petitebrunette

    I never realized the mind control used while I was "in". Obedience to elders and GB put above God and his laws. And then the point about living in Satan"s world: witnesses are so stressed trying to live up to WT standards, but they're convinced that Satan is putting all the pressure on them. Its evidence to them that they're in the true organization.

  • WTWizard

    Obeying God. If God wants me to wear a white dress shirt, with the collar button done up and tight, and a dark suit, despite hot and muggy weather, He is unreasonable. If God wants me to be out in field circus 18 hours a day, 7 days a week after designing humans with the need for 8 hours of sleep per night, He is unreasonable. If God wants me to throw away all my Journey records instead of playing them discreetly or selling them for fear of stumbling others or passing my "sins" to others, He is unreasonable. If God wants me to not go to college and live in poverty, yet be generous in giving, He is being unreasonable.

    On top of that, there was the recent directive in the Sept 2007 Kingdumb Misery against independent study of the Bible. How often the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger puts out "Studying the Bible and JUST the Bible leads us right back to Babylonish teachings" and "Even if you can prove a doctrine wrong from the Bible, you have to go by and TEACH the bad doctrine until they themselves fix it"? This proves that obeying the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is actually IDOLATRY.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    witnesses are so stressed trying to live up to WT standards, but they're convinced that Satan is putting all the pressure on them.

    The borg can't risk letting them see or feel the alternative. I've only been fading for a short time and the relief we feel in my family is AMAZING. We actually have TIME FOR EACH OTHER. We've never been happier as a family than we have been since the start of the fade. The pressure isn't from "Satan's world" it is from THE BORG ITSELF.

  • sir82
    If God wants me to throw away all my Journey records

    Apparently God has better taste than we have given him credit for....

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