Miracles and the wonderful protection Jehovah gives to his people in todays world

by excito-are 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • excito-are

    Thought I would tell you a story given by a member of the church I attend these days in Scotland. after a discussion about miracles in which I made my point that as being raised as someone who belived in God interacting with those in world with whom he truly loved, I had now come to an understanding that if God is the embodiment of omnipotence and goodness, then surely he would not play the role of a trickster who randomly throws miracles about like a trickster, causing chaos and a lack of understanding of the laws of nature due to this. But it is the very fact of science and the laws of nature that show miracles to be uncommon, and that is is merely that man fails to understand that an certain event has yet to be explained through our knowledge of the world. God cannot act against nature anymore that he would act against himself. For any miracle to be credible, it would hace to convey a deeper understanding than could of been obtained without them. I find it disgusting that God would choose to help someone in the western world because of where there are born or who they are, and choose to ignore the millions of africans dying from famine and disease. This is not the God I could ever accept or have come to know.

    From those comments, a woman responded that her baby was born blue ( was it a smurf? ) not breathing due to the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck. The doctors said they had done all they could and were sorry, and then the nurse shouted that the baby moved, and was breathing now. ( her church group had all prayed she and baby would be ok the day before ) A miracle. Wow.

    No, not a miracle in my opinion, but just a misunderstanding of the babies situation in difficult circumstances. But I stayed silent as this woman has emotionally spilled her story and thought this destroyed my argument of miracles with everyone around her agreeing and me yet again looking like the man of no faith. The more stories I hear from all the faiths I have attended ( Catholics, Baptists, Church of Scotland, Muslims, Mormons, Seven day adventists, Gospel ) the more I find myself ailenated from the Christian ( Abrahamic )faith as the common people view it. No wonder people today of any intelligence seem to turn away from Christian views in general.

    We all remember the stories of the witnesses pioneers who were saved from the axe weilding psycho at the door because of the angel behind them frightened the psycho. I find these stories really poor and just make God exclusive to a set of people without any understanding of the real world. What are your thoughts on how people should view this?


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I find it disgusting that God would choose to help someone in the western world because of where there are born or who they are, and choose to ignore the millions of africans dying from famine and disease.

    I agree totally.

  • cofty

    A world with no god would look remarkably like the one we live in.

    Many people die of cancer; some would have an inexplicable remission. Many would die in car crashes; some would walk away from violent accidents unscathed. etc etc

    There would be no discernible pattern to who had good fortune and those who did not.

  • cameo-d

    When something good happens---it's from God.

    If something bad happens---it's from Satan.OR it could be God's discipline on you.

    If something too good to be true happens---maybe it's a miracle. OR it could be Satan testing you.

    Religion is based on superstition, irrational fear, and putting up a mental block to logic.

  • Heaven

    When I was young, my Mom told me that Jehovah had turned his back on the world and all of mankind. This statement caused a lot of questions for me in my head which I didn't voice because I had realized my questions were not going to be answered. Then later on, she tried to tell me that God was directing the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses.

    To me, these 2 conflicted. If God had turned his back on the world, this would also include the WTS. If it didn't include the WTS, then God had NOT turned his back on the world. Either way, these 2 ideas contradict each other.

  • trueblue

    I think the problem may have something to do with this god awful seed being planted in us all (knowledge of good and bad) and this seed is being planted and watered daily in our lives by trying to keep up with todays society.

    I remember the happiest days of my life when I was very poor and no roof over my head sleeping where ever I was or my heart content and resting assure that I had more friends than anyone.

    I was content with just sleeping on a park bench, in a car, or along the river while fishing or hunting, but society will not let you live that way...

    Some cop will arrest you for vagrancy or something, you have to have a bank account, credit card, and all that junk. You can not even get a job without filling out a job application any more. Everyone wants it all on paper and signed on the dotted line.

    I have all I need material wise now and would be glad to trade it all for one true friend.

    If I knew of a very poor society that modern day man was not messing with I would go there and live with them.

    I have had some very rough times and using the logic of todays society I could blame God, Satan, or just anyone for that matter but you know thru it all I have survived because God has fed me, and I know that God will feed me until the day that I die.

    God is my true friend and I will not forget him...

  • WTWizard

    Those miracles are not believable, in the longest stretch. Can they document that people do walk 30 miles one way through crocodile waters and swamps to get to boasting sessions? Can they document that anyone was actually protected from harm (that they would have got into had they missed the boasting session or were not out in field circus) by angels? I don't think so.

    And just as bad, soon we are going to be hearing about all those "wonderful" experiences at the Grand Boasting Session. You know, the ones where people quit their jobs and pio-sneered. The ones where someone was blessed for giving up their health and money, because they got someone else into the cancer or had the opportunity to pio-sneer. The ones where someone was tempted to do fornication, resisted such temptation, and then found out that the other person had AIDS. I would like to see actual documentation of those experiences.

  • mindmelda

    That's not a miracle. It's chance.

    I'm afraid that not even the Vatican would confirm any of those stories as genuine miracles. None of the stories that pass among Witnesses are either. They're just chance and random events that end up well instead of disastrous in a difficult set of circumstances.

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