A thought on two classes of Christian

by JeffT 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    All the threads about memorial got me to thinking about this. JW's are fond of talking about how they have no clergy/laity distinction. {They do, but that's another thread} The distinction they draw between annointed and 'other ship' creates a gulf far larger between the two classes of JW's than any separation of clergy and flock in Christendom. A Christian of almost any denomination can go to school and become some sort of "clergy" in his religion if he so desires. A JW cannot, through any sort of study, training, devotion etc, become a member of the annointed.

    There simply is no basis in scripture for this secondary class of Christians, and the existence of such puts the lie to WTBS proclamations that they do not divide Christians in groups.

  • PSacramento

    There is, liek you said, NO BASIS for a separate, much less secondary, class of Christians.

    Paul makes this very clear.

    However, Jesus himself makes it clear in Matthew when he mentions separating the sheep from the goats that there is a separation between those that ARE Christian in deeds and those that are not: Matthew 25:31-46

    But of the faithful Chrisians, there are NO divisions.

    Please also note that when Jesus, in Matthew, makes note of the deeds that are worthy of a Christian, door-to-door and publishing are NOT there.

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