mechanic: "god tells me how to fix your car"....nice

by oompa 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    so this mechanic tells you that you can really trust him to be the best because god guides him through his repairs on your car....he does not even need diagnostic equipment because god lets him know everything he needs to keep your car on the road...and you believe him

    you dont really worry the first or second time your car breaks down right after a repair...because after all god is with this mechanic and you will just be patient until god guides your mechanic to the real problem and he fixes your car

    but when the car breaks down a dozen times.....two dozen....a hundred....when the mechanic just never gets your car running right or reliably and makes countless excuses....just how many times will you keep going back to the same mechanic? at what point do you say "geeze i really believed this was the best mechanic because he convinced me god was somehow guiding him as he worked on my car, but now i just cant believe it anymore" many things does he have to get wrong before you realize that either he is a fraud...or god also is one sucky mechanic...........oompa

  • cofty

    god was OK in the good ol' days but everything is so technical now - electronic this and computerised that. Used to be a hammer and an adjustable wrench was all he needed. He's a bit long in the tooth to learn new tricks

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