If You're the Type that Looks at the Big Picture of your Life.....

by journey-on 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    do you like the person you are today? After allowing some time to pass and getting past the anger stage, have you been able to evaluate the bigger picture of your life and analyze how your JW experience fit into your overall life stream?

  • Heaven

    I'm ok with the person I am however I feel I can always improve. I try to be self-aware and open to criticism. The anger and judgmental attitudes instilled in me by my upbringing are still sometimes there but I am trying to put in place actual methods to deal with these in a more positive and constructive way. When I feel them start to bubble up I take a mental time out, so to speak. I try to step back from them and decide a better way to react.

    As for the big picture, being that I'm middle-aged now, I am looking at my life and considering making some significant changes. I would really like to do something completely different with my life than what I have been up to this point.

    I think my JW experience has led me to educate myself about a lot of things. I think you could call it a reaction to the attempt to oppress me. In watching my parents and the way they've conducted themselves in the family, I have learned that life is for living, trying to control and oppress someone is destructive, and that if you place the responsibility for your life in someone else's care, you are going to end up miserable.

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