JW pop artist Prince owes more money than just the taxes...

by JWoods 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWoods

    Just saw a news blog on MSnews that an Irish court has ruled Prince owes a promoter for an Irish tour $3 million in addition to the $450 thousand or so to the IRS mentioned in another thread.

    Wonder if the JW thing is cutting down on his music sales?

  • daniel-p

    That's gotta be a drop in the bucket for him.

  • WTWizard

    I know one thing. I am not buying any of his CDs during the decade between 2001 and 2010. Nor will I recommend any of those CDs.

    However, I will continue recommending his albums published before 2000. They were excellent albums when they were written, and they are still excellent albums. Just because he is a witless now doesn't take away from his music written before he became one, and he wants that music off the market (it's the labels that prevent that). Yes, the albums contain dirty songs--Purple Rain is the Grandfather of the "Parental Advisory" label. But, I still recommend it to anyone that can handle a few dirty words and sexually explicit content in their music.

  • Gopher

    The Bible says "Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no. Anything in excess of these is from the wicked one."

    Prince broke an agreement. He cannot be trusted. I think the strain of trying to live a double life is wearing on him.

    Here's the text of the AP news strory about his debt to Ireland's concert promoters:

    DUBLIN – A Dublin judge has ordered Prince to pay $2.95 million to Ireland 's major concert promoters for canceling a 2008 concert at the last minute.

    High Court Justice Peter Kelly made public the damages total Friday because the singer has yet to pay the amount to Dublin promoters MCD Productions in a confidential settlement reached last month.

    Kelly last month ruled that Prince had committed to perform in Dublin 's 82,300-seat Croke Park in June 2008, but withdrew without explanation 10 days beforehand after 55,000 tickets were sold. The 51-year-old Prince did not testify at the hearing.

    Kelly confirmed Friday that the order was specifically against Prince, not his agents from the William Morris agency , who were absolved of liability.

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