Socrates and Jesus Christ (and the WTS) Part 11

by quietlyleaving 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • quietlyleaving

    I think you guys might find this interesting. Please feel free to disagree

    An idea running through Plato's thought and Plato's Socrates is that "nobody does wrong intentionally". And that therefore knowledge is virtue and wrongdoing results from ignorance.

    This is similar and different at the same time to what Jesus said - that wickedness comes from the heart - Matthew 15:18-19 NWT "For out of the heart come wicked reasoning...these are the things defiling a man"

    I'm not clear about Jesus' reasoning here. Is he saying as James said that sin is only sin when desire has given birth to sin (Jas1:14&15). Or is it as the WTS says, that there is sinful desire.


    Wickedness is a subjective concept, there is no absolute benchmark. Something that is not to our personal advantage is often labeled wicked.

    The heart doesn't reason. Emotion comes from the brain and is a result of protecting or promoting values we hold. Also we are genetically programmed to have emotions relating to survival which include sexual urges for survival of our species. The subconscious part of our brain contains all this information and more.

    The bible was written with an agenda in mind. It is not a factual reference book, to be consulted on the workings of humans. The world has moved on from those times of ignorance.

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