The threat of missing meetings?

by babygirl30 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • babygirl30

    This morning I had the memory flashback of something my mom used to always say: that missing meetings is like missing a 'meal', and that if you don't 'eat' on a regular basis, then you will lose your life. She would come at me with "You have to stay close to the meetings - when Armaggedon comes, THAT is where we will get our directions on where to go and what to do".

    I used to be SCARED not to be at meetings for fear The End would come and I would be alone...or without my parents...all because that day I didn't go to the KHall. Anyone else remember that????

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Back in the late 50s my mother was in a stage demo where her “husband” stays home instead of going to the meeting, and he has a nightmare where Armageddon starts and he's in trouble because he missed the meeting and h e is so scared by the nightmare that he promises never to miss a meeting again...

    I also remember them saying that during the “great tribulation” we would be meeting secretly and if we missed one meeting, we would miss out on knowing where the next one would be held, and we would miss out on the “spiritual food” and lose touch with the brothers. I think those ideas were based on how things were done in countries where the work was/is banned.

  • dissed

    Yes. Meetings are like large nourishing meals. Regular partaking will keep you healthy and regular to the bathroom.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Fear and guilt are the two most powerful tools a cult has.

    But think logically about the logistics of such an Armageddon scenario.

    The world is in disarray. Wars, earthquakes, diseases, etc have ravaged the world. How are the geezers in NY supposed to dispense their directives to the local congregations? What do they know about each individual local situation that gives them the insight to direct matters from their ivory towers? For that matter, what do the local elders know about how to survive a planet-wide holocaust? Would you trust your loved one's lives to that group of goobers?

    Please. The entire concept is sheer lunacy.

  • WTWizard

    They have told us that boasting sessions were compared to fingers on a rope. If you were on a rope dangling on a cliff, you would want all five fingers holding that rope. Missing a boasting session was like letting go with one finger--which would leave you that much more vulnerable to falling off.

    They have also compared boasting sessions to spiritual meals, and that you would have to be at the boasting session to find out when and where the next boasting session would be for further instructions during the Great Tribulation. Of course, all this proved to be a complete waste of time--why would you hold onto the rope when you could simply climb it (or climb down; I found the drop was only a few millimeters down). The "food" is monosodium glutamate. And, I know that someone will be nice enough to post the boasting session on one of these forums.

  • nugget

    Now we just threaten the children that if they don't behave they will be made to go. It works every time.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Back in 1980 when Mt st Helens blew, it was a Sunday. My hubby and I were driving up to the small town of Cougar Washington to attend the Kingdom Hall there as my brother in low was the guest speaker. (Cougar is at the base of the south side of the mountain)

    Well we got distracted and decided to go check out the mountain instead, so we missed meeting. But my brother in law told us what happened at the hall.

    The meeting began as usually then suddenly a family that had been absent came bursting through the doors. Mom, Dad, and all the kids were still in there jammies, and there eyes were big as saucers.

    They had skipped meeting but when the mountain began erupting they thought is was the big A and high tailed it to the KH!

    Kinda funny, but it just occured to me that my JW hubby and I didn't even think to hightail it to the KH. We just ran away from the ash thunder and lightining. Maybe I wasn't such a die hard dub after all.

  • BluesBrother

    Broken Promises

    I am sure that I can remember the same 'demonstration' at a Circuit Assembly. Our then C O, Albert Broad, (he could carry it off) played the man who stayed home . It was theatrically done with lightning and storm sound effects. It made a big impression on this small boy..

    How many times did we hear this verse quoted ?

    Heb 10 25

    " not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as YOU behold the day drawing near."

    I used to quote the NEB because it said "not staying away from the meetings"

    Happy days ??


    Going to a meeting..

    Is like eating of a Bucket of Sh*t.

    Hoping there may be a few Kernels of Corn in it this time..

    ......................... ...OUTLAW

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Eating at the Trough of the Watchtower is like bobbing for apples in an open sewer....

    ...there might be something in there edible...but would you go through the trouble?

    Snakes (Rich )

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