Killing all the babies & little children by Jehovahs loving Witnesses

by jambon1 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    I still find it astounding that in these modern times we have people who believe such things & feel that it is justiified by god.

    I remember a WT study where the scripture used the expression 'he will cut them off root & bough'. It used the reasoning that worldly children would only grow up to become like their wicked parents so they need to be destroyed. Such sweeping generlisation & such utterly evil beliefs. This was in the days before the 'private copy' WT edition as well.

    Does anyone else have quotes/illustrations that show how absolutely depraved JW's are in their lust for blood so as to secure their own salvation?

    Utter filth!

  • thetrueone

    The ancient Israelite culture/civilization was all full of cruelty and unjustness in regarding their social human awareness.

    In reality though they were not that much different than other civilizations that were established in that era.

    Its ironic and unfortunate that there is an organization today known as the JWS that are trying to emulate this ancient

    culture and their social morals within.

    A lot as happened in the past 2000 years.

  • WTWizard

    All one needs do is look at the books the witlesses expect their children to read. The Revelation book has scenes of horses up to their bellies in blood, and hailstones weighing 96 pounds hitting people. Children and babies are included in this number.

    Additionally, the parents are threatened that their children will be included in that number if both parents leave the cancer. And, if the children reach the age where they can make conscious decisions of any kind and they are not baptized, they are no longer protected by their parents' standing. This gets children, some as young as 6, panicking to get baptized so they will not get destroyed.

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