Satan Is in the Vatican, Catholic Exorcist Says

by recovering 2 Replies latest social current

  • recovering

    When I saw this headline I could not help but wonder if the real reason the WBTS is leaving the headquarters in Brooklyn Is related to the sex abuse scandals (if you follow the logic of the priest quoted in the story below) Perhaps the headquarters is possesed by Satan and that is the reason for the pedophilia scandals.

    Satan Is in the Vatican, Catholic Exorcist Says

    AOL News (March 10) -- The Rev. Gabriele Amorth, the man who has served as the Vatican's chief exorcist for 25 years, says the signs are there: The devil has infiltrated St. Peter's.

    Specifically, Amorth cites recent sexual abuse and pedophilia scandals as well as what he deems a cover-up in the shooting deaths of two of the Vatican's Swiss Guards and one of the guard's wives as proof that the Catholic Church's most famous site is less than pure. for the full story click on the link below

  • BurnTheShips

    I don't think this Fr was the chief exorcist for the Vatican. I think he was diocesan. And 70,000 exorcisms in 25 years doesn't seem plausible. That's like 1 every 3 hours for 25 years. Still, he's right. Satan is everywhere, including the Vatican. He even got into one of the Twelve, and that was just for starters, and he's been busy ever since.


  • glenster

    It's probably comfier than that smoke from the Twin Towers.

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