The Governing Body is Powerless (Without Comradeship)

by acolytes 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • acolytes

    The Governing Body Is Powerless (Without Comradeship) And comradeship is one of the great needs for people.

    The price for this companionship is a persons individuality, as individual love is exchanged for communal individuality and communal love.

    Because of the humun need for comradeship the Governing Body can teach whatever they like and demand what ever they like from the masses.

    Iam glad I exchanged comradeship for an individual life and freedom .


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    You could call it comradeship if you like, but that seems kind of soft to me. I prefer to call it enforced unity via fear, guilt, and mind-control.

  • acolytes

    Interesting thought Mad Sweeney. Iam afraid from the exsperience in my congregation comradeship is why many remained witnesses. I challenged many on one to one conversations before I left. Normally by a persons silence occassionally (When over the telephone) they admitted it was ( All their friends were at the K.H) i.e Comradeship that kept them in the organisation.(I found it pathetic that strict elders could govern the flock when they new it was B...!!1 Acolytes

  • alanv

    I think you're right acolytes. I'm sure the reason I hung around so long was because of the great social life. Always someone to go around with. Friends who agreed with practically all you said which always makes us feel good.

    Much harder in the real world but at least you know they are genuine friends, and won't drop you as a friend the moment you decide to disagree with something in their religon

  • acolytes

    Hi Alany You said "much harder in the real world but at least you know they are true friends." It is sad but true that most people will join the thugs(comradeship) to avoid being beaten up.And you will find these thugs in all religiouse and business led organisations.( Sadly that is the real world) Acolytes

  • Brocephus

    Don't forget about the Comradery of the oppressed and persecuted (which is why the Watchtower fights so hard to maintain this perception) Yes the GB has know this fact for a long time.

  • acolytes

    Hi Brocephus

    You are correct. That is why we are here on this site. I never thought about it like that.


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