gossip time

by rockmehardplace 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • rockmehardplace

    anything worth sharing? only thing i miss about going to meetings is hearing the good gossip about this person or that person.

    now, instead of hearing about it, i am the gossip.

    my wife said that some have been saying the reason i wont attend meetings is i am carrying a huge secret sin and i need to come clean.

    the only thing i have done wrong is think for myself.

  • undercover

    I kinda liked being the gossip, while it lasted. Everyone had their own little ideas as to why I was 'falling away'. I heard a few of them through the grapevine. If it had been normal people saying some of those things, I probably would have been pissed, but realizing the source, it was more comical than anything.

    I avoided most gossip circles while I was active. It didn't take long to realize that most rumors and gossip were BS and all anyone was doing was stirring up a hornet's nest. Dubs were some of the biggest gossips I ever saw...including elders. Geez, those guys never missed a chance to tell a good story about what they were hearing...

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