Required reading for Rand Cam investors (and other interested parties)

by dissed 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • dissed

    This article appeared May 9, 2009 about a rather dubius company the WT partnered with. Notice they are still touting their military connections. But of speacial interest is how they have been able to bilk investors for 20 years, never producing a return and yet, live high off the hog. The WT identyfied them as brothers in an earlier thread noted here.

    Read both blogs. The 2nd one is the best.

  • Jazzbo

    Boring, done to death, bogus. Give it a rest and find a real issue, there are many.

  • dissed

    Jazzbo - No offense intended, but you are an idiot.

    This is for the archives for this site if any are doing research on the subject. But this part brought something to the subject no one has brought up before. These guys are scaming people and the WTS indirectly was part of it.

    Do you own shares in the company or are you just not that bright?

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