How many Dubbers stay away from the internt?

by dogon 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dogon
    I know of several who have nothing to do with the internet as if it will lead them off into oblivion. How many do you know that feel this way?
  • freemindfade
    This was how it was for many, especially older ones. However with the last few years developments, if you aren't on the Internet all the time on your tablet, well you aren't a witness anymore. One exception though... only otherwise you will see pornography, apostate thinking, or fall of into the oblivion of actually learning about the real world.
  • DesirousOfChange

    I think they are ALL enthralled with the internet now that it has "Jehovah's Blessing" to be there -- if ONLY on JW*Org. Even my 80 year old mother has wifi, a computer, an iPad and calls on nearly a daily basis to get help resolving an issue with one of them.



    This was how it was for many, especially older ones. However with the last few years developments, if you aren't on the Internet all the time on your tablet, well you aren't a witness anymore.

    .......................................Image result for brown watchtower logo

    .........................................Image result for monkey see monkey do


    Image result for JW .Org bracelet.Image result for JW .Org tie.Image result for JW .Org umbrella

  • BluesBrother

    I certainly endorse the above.....They even have the big blue JW.Org sign stuck up on their K H . They are totally a web based organization, with paper as an unfortunate irritation that they have to do for dummies not wired up.

    Dubs are also well into buying the stuff from the ancillary sites like Ministry Ideas & Bennett Cards . No qualms about it now.

    They are as tech savvy as any other bunch when it comes to regular shopping and ebay and stuff

  • Syme

    I have this j-dub neighbor who chooses not to have Internet in his home nor at his cell phone. The reason, as you may have guessed it.. Porn. He wants to avoid seeing porn, but that's doesn't seem to help so much, since he's almost every week in a 'counsel' session with the eldubs; so I guess he eventually manages to see porn even without Internet

    This poor devil also suffers from clinical depression. As if that weren't enough, he chooses to add to that the burden of confessing every once in a while to the 'shepherds'. Typical example of how the WTS's Inquisition-style, cultish modus operandi drives those poor subjects to mental and emotional devastation.

  • Vidiot

    dogon - "How many Dubbers stay away from the internt?"

    Assuming you actually mean the parts of the internet where they're not supposed to go, more and more every day, I suspect.

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