Why are the books of king Salamon still considered by JW's as inspired by god?

by dutchstef 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dutchstef

    Just think about it...... if possible the WTS tries to delete publications and songs written by former members of the slave as much as possible.

    But King Salomo also became involved with other religions at the and of his live....and it's one of the most quoted persons in the Watchtower and other WTS publications.

  • Titus

    WTS doesn't try to delete publications and songs written by former members.

    "Commentary on the letter of James", written by Ed Dunlap is still there on WT Library 2009 CD-ROM.

    Songs written and composed by "DNCall" (AllTimeJeff instructed me that I must not use real names here ) are still in new songbook released in 2009. These songs are: 64, 70, 125, 103.

  • dutchstef

    Myabe not all, but some of them are....some of the songs in the pink book are not longer in the brown book because of that reason.

    That's what was told to me by my father( real one not the holy one), and also some texts in books are deleted or rewritten for that reason.

    Does it depend on the person and/or what he did maybe?

  • Titus

    I don't know. Whoknows? But I know that they will not remove book or song just for that reason.

    But they ususally remove photos of DFed members in publications.

  • alanv

    I may be wrong but I believe Ray Franz ,ex governing body member wrote a lot of the book 'Aid to bible understanding' and that was superseded by 'Insight on the scriptures'

  • blondie

    And you will find that most of the Insight Books are almost verbatim from the Aid book.

  • hoser

    For the kids being counseled by the elders about debasing music open the bible and read from the Song of Solomon.

    If music was put to that book the elders would ban it!

    Solomon was a dirty old man.

  • dissed

    The question is a good one. How could you trust anything Solomon wrote? Exactly when did he go apostate?

    The WT has preserved 'Com. of James' but have clearly discredited it, telling Bethel Elders not to use it in research.

  • Titus

    Yes, that's true, Dissed. I experienced it. I couldn't believe when one elder told me to stop reading that apostate's book.

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