Mean World Syndrome and its "support" of JW mindset

by darthfader 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • darthfader

    I've been reading about "Mean World Syndrome" and was wondering about its impact on the JW mindset. We take in a large amount of news media that mostly reports "negative" stories (wars, natural disasters, crime, failing economy and bad traffic). This tends to alter our thinking that these are common occurrences. But, statistically our risk of any of these horrific fates is pretty minimal (except the traffic, but you’ll just have to bear with me).

    Thousands of years ago we lived in small villages and little cities - news we received had a greater impact on us directly. For example a lion attack within our village or city meant that we had to be more aware when out in the fields. We would alter our behavior to avoid the attack. If we were right, we might be able to avoid getting eaten. But, if we were wrong, there were no corrective actions to let us know that there were no lions to eat us and we didn’t need to be on "alert".

    I think that both of these effects "train" our brain to think the world is a much worse place than it really is.

    Darth Fader

  • purplesofa

    I have friends that never watch the news, don't keep up with any events going on in the world,

    they work, have fun and carry on with their lives.

    They are unaffected for the most part of what goes on around them.

    They are not "watching the world"

    but their own private lives.


  • shamus100

    Paranoia comes into play too. It's difficult leaving the high-control group and re-learning to think positively instead of negatively. I'm no different than anyone else, and it took me such a long time to get that horrid mindset banished from my mind once and for all.

    If you think bad things about people, bad things will happen, guaranteed.

  • agonus

    Well, the world ain't a pretty place, but you can find pockets of beauty, truth, and love here and there. And those pockets ain't confined to your local Kingdom Hall.

  • agonus

    "If you think bad things about people, bad things will happen, guaranteed."

    EXACTLY. It's called a "self-fulfilling prophecy."

  • darthfader

    Shamus, paranoia indeed! I try to combat that with a good dose of logic and rationality, but those tools seem to be missing from the JW toolbag.

    Thanks all!

    Darth Fader

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