Alright Ya Big Bullies!!!!

by mama1119 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • mama1119

    Poor little Wokeup1 was all excited for her first day of JW discussion. She picked out a new outfit, polished up her saddle shoes, rolled down her bobby socks and off she went. She was hoping all the posters would like her. Well, the day started out good, lots of responses, and well wishes...then the bullying started..."Oh Wokeup did you go back to sleep?" "Wake up Wokeup"...she will never forget those sentences ringing in her ears eyes.

    She tried to stick up for herself.."I only get one topic today" , "I used up all my posts"... "I will post tomorrow, I promise".

    Poor Wokeup1, just wanted the kids to like her......

    She will post her story tomoorw, she promises!!!!!!!!!

    PS.....Be nice to her...she is my MOMMY!

  • shamus100

    That was that silly minimus character and he's just a troll anyways.

  • nelly136

    aww bless

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    PS.....Be nice to her...she is my MOMMY!


    Hope you get your hotness from her.

    Think About It


    Any mommy of yours,is a mommy of ours..

    JWN now owns your Mommy..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • mama1119

    I am glad that JWN owns my Mommy, and not JW!

  • yesidid

    That was dreadful I saw the thread, but did nothing.

    Just as bad.

    I'm sorry.

    I think some people are just trying to be funny but have the sensitivity of a wild buffalo.

    Please give your mother an apology and a big hug from me.

    Again I am so sorry. Your first post made me cry. No one's mother should be treated like that.

    Please forgive us.


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