A hopeful but weird and funny dream I woke up from about my old Jehovah's Witness friends and family

by Butterflyleia85 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Butterflyleia85

    I had a weird dream last night, a dream I'd love to come true in a sense. I can't remember all but the bits and peices had my mom, my old best friend Lacey and another friend that wasn't from my hall but a good friend Crystal, it did have my grandma and sister but they weren't in it as long. My mom and I were in the car together she said she's been talking to Crystal and she too had seen some sorta evidance that JW's were wrong, wrong and actually became worse about menipulating the people.

    (In reality Crystal has always been a bet rebelous and I didn't understand how she could do things she did and be a JW but I was thankful for her kindness when I got reinstated, she was the only one that actually wanted to hang out with me.)

    Well as we were driving along my grandma and sister were out inservice together with Lacey we stopped to say hi. Grandma was driving and parked her car in front of this apartment. She said, "Oh we just decided to take a brake and stop by Lacey's new apartment."

    (Lacey kinda reminds me of Kyria Abraham when she was little and I being the Emily, she always did as she was told and was kind scared to do anything new unless I kind teased but motivated her to try it. Lacey also was really smart, straight A student that loved to read Star War books.)

    "Oh ok," mom said. Lacey turned to us and said, "Well actually you all can come up and see it."

    I was so so very excited but I kind wanted to respect them all and I was very quiet and sheepish-like. But we both looked at each other and smiled. She lead the way to her apartment, she was talking how she would pay her rent to Brother Edwards (In reality, he owned a home that had three apartments for people to live in and rented it out to the younger JW friends from are congregation) (well in the dream...looked like he owned a whole Apartment complex but it kinda reminded me of a hotel). She began to unlock her door and go straight to the kitchen and grab what looked like a Weight Watchers meal. She didn't have a microwave and had to go to the lobby to get the meal warmed up.

    "I will be right back, I'm just going to warm this up" she said. I began to follow her... (don't know why, it's a dream, I awake now and think honestly I would have stayed in her apartment with the others). I began to admire her looks, here this girl who once wore thick glasses and have a much thicker body and fair skin, turned into this tan beautiful skinny girl. I smiled and felt so happy for her.

    (In reality, I just looked at her facebook and was astonished to see how beautiful she's become, I do remember my grandma telling about how she was trying to lose weight and has looked alot better but in her picture I was like Wow I'm so happy for her but gosh I hope she did this for the right reason, she always the rebel when it came to trying to look pretty and I respected her for that and actually admired her for that, she seemed so confident and proud of her simple and pratical look and didn't care what everyone else thought of her. I so envyed her, I always kinda worried about what everyone else saw me as.)

    But then something weird happened, I looked at the food she was about to place in this weird machine. The food was like froozen mixure of what looked like mushed peas and other weird combination I couldn't make out. She stuck it into what looked to be a sort of printer but with a hole on the top where the meal fit and then it would push it out of the bottom as ooze. Grows! I thought. As she was doing this her hands began to shake and she began to tell me, "they have us eat this stuff, they announced that all the food the worldly people are offering us is worldy food now and we don't want to put any contaminating food in us, this is poisons to the brain. As the loving and dicreitful slave class has brought us our nourishing food for us!"

    I couldn't make out a word I just stood there in shock. They seriously are controling their literal food now! OMG! She said, "You know... I have been noticing your comments on facebook and I beleive you are right... but it's to late now I think this food they are giving us has something in it... like a drug..."

    I woke up! Dang it!! I wanted to finish it to! ...hahaha Wasn't that super weird. ha I think I been reading and researching so much it's all I think about now. lol But seriously I do have hope for my family and friends, that one day they will see what I see, talk to me again! :) Let's hope thought it won't be like my dream exactly. lol

  • brainwashed-from-birth

    I have been away for 10 years now and I still occassionaly have dreams about being at the assemblies for some reason. It is so wierd and when I wake up I never know what the heck would have triggered such maddness :-)

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    Wow! What an interesting and literal rendition of "food at the proper time"! I bet if you were able to stay in it, she would have revealed they could only eat it at "proper times" too!

    They would probably have to eat at the same time Bethal eats!

    That must have been quite the morning as you pondered this dream! Wow! Thanks for sharing!

  • Butterflyleia85

    haha yeah it was crazy! I am excited about learning all I'm learning but I also can see I getting a little worked up about it that it's affecting my dreams. lol

  • undercover

    Actually, that's a pretty good dream...and description. I was able to put myself in your surreal world while reading it.

    You're realizing how controlling they can be...and how JWs will obey even when it is gross. Yea, it's over the top but it's your subconscious' way of alerting you to this coercion and control.

    I still have dreams from time to time relating back to JW stuff. I had one last week. I was at the hall and was uncomfortable during the public talk. All I wanted to do was get up and walk out yet my legs wouldn't work. The feeling in the dream was one of despair and helplessness. When I woke up, I was so glad it was just a dream... So even after years of being away, it still affects us...another sign of it being more cult than just an off-center religion...

  • Chalam

    Hello Butterfly,

    Great dream!

    I think you have a lot of the interpretation already. Here is what comes to me.

    • Brother Edwards-Is he an elder? There is something of control over those he "owns".
    • Lacey-the typical JW who "has it together", things look great (on the surface), the envy of those around her.
    • Weight Watchers meal-low on calories so you can loose weight. You cannot survive on stuff. Eat it for very long and you will get sick and die.
    • The meal machine-looked like a printer because that's what the WT is, a publishing company. They spew out meals without nutrition but are addictive as they make one look beautiful (on the outside).
    • Lacey's revelation-She knew she was a junkie but she was hooked on the stuff.
    Hope that helps :) Blessings, Stephen
  • Butterflyleia85

    Thanks you guys!!

    Yeah undercover, I seriously had dreams like that too!! I also use to have nightmares about being at the hall or convention and them (other JW friends really) shunning me. It hurt so bad I was so emotional and crying, I felt so embarressed and alone, but then I woke up and I was releived I wasn't in that position again... I remember the struggle it took going into the hall when I was df the first time.

    Stephen OMG you are so right! haha wow that's so cool, yeah... it makes sense. and yes Brother Edwards was actually my elder. My sister and her husband actually rented from him. It was crazy cause here I thought he was a really nice elder but then in the back room, I felt so awlful and hurt by his comments. He's the elder that stepped down when I was trying to get reinstated that I mentioned in my other posts.

  • Chalam

    Thanks Butterfly, glad it made sense :)

    Keep us posted with any more revelations.

    Also, keep this in mind!

    metamorphosis |?met?'môrf?s?s|
    • a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means



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