Blood Transfusion? Yes Please

by finallysomepride 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • finallysomepride

    On monday night I ended in hospital with kidney stones (5th time) this ones plagued me for the last 2-3 years.

    I recieved all the necessary pain killers to settle things down, so I was comfotable most of tuesday. Tuesday night the specialists came to see me, & they asked about me being a JW and would I still refuse a blood transfusion.

    Immediatley I said NO to being a JW & yes to a blood transfusion, I had been wonderng for sometime what would be my awnser be, & how quick I would responde to these questions, so now I know.

    By the way there was alot relief on the faces of the specialist when I answered this way.

    They have only so far put a stent in to relieve the pressure from the stone blocking the kidney, further treatment to come but could be some months away.

    So anyway I'm still in hospital, thank god for netbooks & wireless broadband, I go home 2moro.

    Just thought I would share what I've been through these last couple of days, & to say I really am feeling like I'm now free of the borg.


  • SirNose586

    Kidney stones...ouch! I hope I never get them. But at least you've not tied the hands of your doctors. It's good to not have that problem anymore, I agree.

  • alanv

    Well done Kevin. My youngest 24 year old son was recently in hospital with a broken leg and they asked him if he would be O K with a transfusion if it became necessary. He said yes that is fine. I was so pleased to hear this as all one side of my family were and are witnesses. Luckily he has a good brain on him and made his decision not to join a couple of years ago. So hearing him say that was the iceing on the cake for me.

    Hope all will be ok for you. I wish you well

  • spawn

    Man I feel for you, I only had a small stone and I passed it, the pain in doing so was something else and it's something I hope doesn't happen again.Lets hope you are back on your feet soon and they can resolve it as soon as possible.

  • freddo

    Kevin, out of interest - did you need (as in have) a blood transfusion for your surgery? Hope all turns out well for you.

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    Best wishes on your recovery, I've known several people who have had them. I wouldn't wish that on even the most zealous jw. Congrats on your quick answer also, nice to know that you value life now, isn't it?

  • finallysomepride


    No I didn't require a blood transfusion, but very glad that I now have that option, & would accept one by default if you know what I mean.


  • jamiebowers

    Get well soon!

  • snowbird

    Good for you!

    Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for you.


  • voodoo lady
    voodoo lady

    It's all about having the option, isn't it! I'm glad you're taking care of yourself in this way.

    I hope you can keep yourself entertained and feel better soon!

    Love voodoo lady

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