ROOM well stated point
i know of jw that are having Phony christmas and new years parties- they go to clubs, casinos, they are playing the lottery- and they are refusing to turn folks in for immorality to the elders now
these are not kids or teens-- but 20-30 yr adult jw
my wife and i often speak of how the jw today is simply getting tired
they are not very supportive of field service or meetings
i know of 2 halls right now that have combined 5 and 7 bookstudies respectively to make on LARGE book study on sat
they thought that it would help- IT MADE THINGS WORSE
with only 1 elder and 1 ms needed to conduct the super size books study many of the elders are telling their MS assistance to take care fo their portion of the bookstudy for service
so you will only have 1 elder out and 5 or 6 ms
they thought that by having it before service they could make the friends feel guilty about leaving right after WRONG
they get up and leave anyway after the prayer
thier zeal is all gone due to wt being Date based faith
i mean let's be honest about it the wt has taken the following words and made them completely MEANINGLESS
THOSE words have no meaning at all in wt world today
how sad