Just stopping by to say hi

by Champion 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Champion

    Hello all. I haven't been on this site in quite sometime. I use to be on all the time. I am in Ct now but raised on Long Island NY. My Father (turning 90)

    still an elder was the CO/PO? whatever growing up in Farmingdale. Of my three brothers one still remains a staunch JW(with wife). I've been out(escaped) since my mid 20's. Any major news over the past year or two?


  • poppers

    Any major news over the past year or two?

    Armageddon came, but it was invisible.

  • looloo


  • Champion

    That's great I made it!!! And they all said I wouldn't

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Champ,

    Good to have you here.

    There's beeen bits and pieces in the news. The guy who killed six members of his family in Virginia was a dub; so are Phil Garrido (sp?) and his wife, who kidnapped that girl in california and kept her as a sex slave for more than a decade; an elder who was really fond of his upper-middle-class lifestyle was not as fond of his wife and murdered her in an attempt to get $1M in insurance (it didn't work). Spain has had a ripple of scandal go thru the congs after a few elders and ministerial servants were disfellowshipped for believing the heresy that Jesus died for everyone. There have been some other disfellowshippings for apsotasy in Europe. The beat goes on...

  • Champion

    Thanks for the update. Wow I never heard that about Garrido!!

  • Heaven

    Hi Champion... glad you're no longer in.

    One big change coming is yet another bunch of 'noo lite' regarding the definition for 'this generation'. Apparently generations now 'overlap' or some such nonsense. There have been a few threads on the board talking about this.

    Hope things are going well with you. Has your father figured out yet that he's not going to see the 'end of this system of things' in his lifetime? I think my 82 year old father is starting to realize this. Sucks to be a JW and realized you've been lied to all these years.

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