Another example of why Christians' thinking baffles me, God made it stop raining....

by HappyGuy 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • HappyGuy

    I was overhearing a conversation among some Christains at lunch the other day at my favorite diner.

    A teenager had been at some kind of marching band camp, but it had been raining most of the time they were there. They quoted the camp director as saying something like "I know it has been raining but today the rain stopped, thank the LORD that he made the rain stop, now we can have our band practice, the LORD made the rain stop to give you all the tiime to practice...."

    So, I turned around and asked "If the LORD made the rain stop, did the LORD also make it rain so that the marching band camp was ruined? I mean if the LORD is responsbile for controlling the weather then he must have made it rain also. And, if the LORD did ruin your band camp with the rain isnt' the LORD a bad guy?".

    The response was something like "The LORD had his reasons for making it rain and we can never understand them".

    So the LORD had reasons to ruin the teenager's band camp which we cannot understand but he is not a bad guy?

    But we can understand the LORD's actions enough to definitely say that he stopped the rain so that the band camp could continue without rain?

    Christains are delusional.

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Since the actuality is that SATAN is the reason for bad weather.

    Or that is what the DO said at yesterday's Circuit Assembly.

    We have had two days of really severe ice and snow in a locale that is not really prepared to deal with this type of weather.

    It almost looked like they would have to (shudder) CANCEL the Assembly!

    But, of course, they had it anyway. Brothers in suits and ties shoveling ice off of the sidewalks, no theocratic inspiration to rent a snowplow and clear the parking lot (making the walk from the car and interesting Dance with Death), and general pats on the back all around to the local yokels who were "spiritual" enough to make it, while the ones from 150 miles away decided not to risk property destruction and / or a lonely death in a frozen ditch were slightly chided for not doing so.

    And Fred (a-hole) Cua makes the comment on the stage that "Satan tried to discourage us with a few snowflakes, but we all showed him that we were stronger than that!"

    Side note: Cua used to be the CO in my area. I thought he was the worst, most discouraging CO I had ever seen. He thinks he is a comedian, and apparently many people in the audience think he is as well. He rushes through scripture reading, almost reads it sarcastically, just so he can get back to the more important text of the outline.

    And so, of course, he is now promoted to DO.

    Abandon all hope, ye who enter here...

  • MissingLink

    Just flip a coin and blame god if it's heads, and satan if it's tails.

  • Elsewhere

    "the LORD made the rain stop to give you all the tiime to practice...."

    I guess the LORD was too busy fussing over the rain and marching bands to have stopped the Haitian earth quake.

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