networking in the real world

by chickpea 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    this past week has just been so satisfying...
    i am literally energized by the work i am doing

    focused emails, phone calls, public meetings,
    board meetings, new outreach program planning,
    literature development and distribution channels,
    FaceBook page up and running

    meeting people, whipping out business cards
    with "we'll talk" follow-up intentions, smart
    dedicated people who engage passionately....

    it is all volunteer work for a local chapter
    of a national advocacy group and it is
    NOTHING at all like the drudgery of serving
    the b0rg was for me...

    i dont have to "talk myself up for it" and
    neither does anyone else i have encountered
    in the course of this week's big push to establish
    the year's agenda... the enthusiasm was staggering!!

    all i can say to anyone who might be lurking
    wondering if there is life in the real "world"...
    get out there and find out for yourself!


    Nice post!

  • highdose

    chick pea: i know exactly where your coming from. Selling or promoting somthing you belive in and know to be sound is a wonderfull and very easy thing to do. It brings tremendos rewards and leaves you with an incredible buzz after!

    its a world away from the FS!

  • chickpea

    one of the individuals i contacted is
    a campus counselor on a nearby
    college campus who was very
    excited about our organization
    as a resource ... turns out she
    has asked me to participate in
    a class on a totally unrelated subject
    and has even offered a small fee...

    being out and about engaged in
    "real work" has been nothing
    short of uplifting in this dreary
    cold northern winter

    things like this starkly highlight
    how isolated the b0rg wants
    its dr0nes to be... viewing
    every "not-JW" as evil and
    corrupted by demonic influences....

    poor pitiable souls

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