Galatians 1:8 contradicts WTS

by inbetween 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • inbetween

    lately there were a lot of articles, like this:

    never questions Gods channel of communication (Matth 24:45-47)

    follow whatever direction comes from the GB

    and the like,

    however, reading the Bible can be sometime svery enlightening, so i came across this scripture:

    Galatians 1:8 "But even if we or (Q) an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, (R) let him be accursed"

    Notice Paul even included himself:"if WE or an angel..." So the readers of Pauls letter (which were inspired btw) were eeven encouraged to question him. If they just accept anything without thinking, how can they find out, whether it was contrary to the Gospel or not.

    The GB thinks it is above even apostla Paul, they are not just on Moses seat, no they even replace God himself.

    disgusting actually...

  • tryingtoexit

    good points, thanks

  • ziddina

    ooooh yummy! I would SO LOVE to see a 'discussion' of this scripture on the oft-discussed Facebook "Watchtower" group - 18,000 Witlesses and counting!! Zid

  • boyzone
    however, reading the Bible can be sometime svery enlightening, so i came across this scripture:
    Galatians 1:8 "But even if we or (Q) an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, (R) let him be accursed

    Good point inbetween. The GB talk about Jesus being the head of the congregation but as you pointed out, its them thats really at the head and the witnesses have got to follow them not Jesus. Disgusting is exactly the way to describe it.

  • Perry

    That scripture utterly destroys their reliance on "new light" doesn't it?

    But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Proverbs 4

    That perfect (or completed day) was at the close of the bible canon, the light was then fixed at maximum brightness for our age.

    All scripture is given by inspiration of God , and is profitable for doctrine , for reproof , for correction , for instruction in righteousness : That the man of God may be perfect , thoroughly furnished unto all good works . 2 Tim 3: 16, 17

    Let them be accursed.

  • LittleSister

    Hi Perry

    Love your posts, the GB seems to be in real trouble trying to hold onto power at any cost and telling JWs not to question them is just one more sign that they are panicking.

    I remember a time when JWs were encouraged to research and discuss not any more. How can you test if you are in the right faith if you can't ask questions?

  • Chalam

    Indeed. That verse was brought to my attention fairly recently.

    Here's confirmation of the false WT gospel.

    1 Corinthians 16:22-23 (English Standard Version)

    22 If anyone has no love for the Lord, let him be accursed. Our Lord, come! 23 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.

    Noticed any JWs professing their love for Jesus lately?

    As for me and all those who are born again, I love the Lord.



  • wobble

    Good post, Inbetween,

    of course if you read the first two chapters of Galatians, with an open mind,anybody would see that there was no GB in the 1st. century.

    So, no mandate for one today.

    Also what was the Gospel that Paul preached ?

    He himself said " Christ crucified ". So he taught that because Christ was raised from the dead all can come to know, and love, Him as their Lord.

    Anybody who adds to that, with worship of men ( the GB) , 144,000 only go to heaven, paradise earth etc. etc. are accursed.



  • yknot

    You also reason that according to the 'Da Judge'.........retrodated in 1930's back to 1918 Holy Spirit was not necessary nor guided the WTS, no it was ANGELS who allegedly guided his leadership.

    Compare the 'good news' of the Apostles versus WTS established by Rutherford and his alleged Angels:

    Gospel: Jesus son of God, savior, mediator and king to all who profess and follow

    WTS: Since 1914 Jesus enthroned/paraousia, Satan cast from heaven, great gathering occurring imminently for 96 years, salvation is only available to those who associate (read- join, obey faithfully without question, and promote) with the Master's 'Slave', a remnant overlapping generation of 144,000 FDS and their GB who make up the WTS who are the only ones on earth that are in mediatorship with Christ...... all else are followers of Satan and will be destroyed at Armageddon for not heeding the call to join , obey and promote the WTS........ well at least according to the alleged angels who led Rutherford.

    Ken Raines has two nice articles commenting on the WTS and Angels:

    and many more that are 'interesting/enlightening to read and verify using older publications

  • PSacramento

    Testing what you are taught is a manistay of the NT, Paul advocates it, James does and even Jesus.

    Anyone asking for "blind faith without questioning" is someone that doesn't want you to look very deeply at things.

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