What I want to know is how YouKnow rationalizes serving two masters. Yahweh of the Watchtower and the prophet of the "New Bretton Woods" Lyndon H Larouche.
I don't serve two masters any more than you do. I am not a supporter of Lyndon LaRouche's political campaign. It so happens that besides having the unique distinction of being a presidential candidate, as well as a former American political prisoner, Lyndon LaRouche is also the founding editor of a counter-intelligence agency called Executive Intelligence Review. (EIR) Since most major media outlets are outrightly owned by corporations that are beholding to the Anglo-American financial and political establishment, it is virtually impossible to get an accurate picture of what is really going on in the world. Yet no one is going to be accused of being a slave to Dan Rather or Tom Brokaw if they believe their versionof the "news." I have found sources like LaRouche's EIR to be valuable alternatives to the established propaganda outlets like CNN and Time magazine etc. According to LaRouche, and my own observations over the years, the mainstream news media are in the entertainment industry and nothing more.
I am not advocating LaRouche's policy to save civilization from it's inevitable doom though. But, it should be of more than passing interest, in the context of this forum's discussion of the Bible's prophecy concerning the end of the Anglo-American system of things, when someone of LaRouche's intellectual stature speaks so outspokenly about that very thing in terms of present political, social, and economic trends. For a certainty, LaRouche is probably the most controversial man in politics today. He is hated and feared by the establishment and their media. But, it seems more than a little hypocritical when apostate JWs, who claim to know the truth about the truth, accuse the Watchtower of withholding information from people, and yet when I merely reference the authority of an alternative news source in order to broaden the reader's mind, I am maligned and slandered. But, I suppose, that's the sort of thing that one should expect though when dealing with those described in prophesy as the "accursed children." / You Know
> http://www.larouchepub.com/