Pagan origins

by Stealth 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth

    The February 8, 2002 Awake on Weddings makes the following statement on page 6 about traditions.

    What is the meaning? Is it tied to superstition that is a good-luck or fertility wish - such as showering the newlyweds with rice? Is it connected with false religion or other practices condemned by the bible?
    Yet at every JW wedding that I have attened the tradition where the bride and groom feed each other a piece of wedding cake has pagan origin and is a tradition of fertitlity rights. Yet the WT does not pick on this pagan fertitlity right.

    My question to the forum is this, with the WT being so hung up on the pagan origins of certain things even though 99% of modern day humans have no idea of these origins or do not hold the same meaning as they might have in ancient times, are there any other practices that JWs engage in that are of pagin origin that are ignored while others like rice throwing are picked on?

    This wedding article is what made me question this, however please do not limit any replys to weddings only. I am interested in anything the JWs may engage in that is of pagan origin.

    Best regards to all, Stealth

  • Celtic

    Wedding rings

  • Richie

    I would correct your estimate on the percentage of people worldwide who would otherwise know if certain wedding rituals were pagan or not.
    May I suggest 99.9% instead of 99%? You see, 0.1% would amount to the percentage of witnesses in the world (6 million) which leaves the correct figure to 99.9% of the world population not being aware of these heathen origins. Actually, and more correctly perhaps - let's bring down the figure to 3 million witnesses as I perceive half of them would still not have a clue, so the figure may be truer at 99.950%... Oh, by the way, did you know that most of the members of the Governing Body do not or hardly read their bible? Hard to believe? Yes, but oh so true...

    Richie :*)

  • expatbrit

    Believing in the biblical acount of creation has pagan origins:


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