A talk by Bro. Butts emailed to me: His experiences are such BS

by Magwitch 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magwitch

    Do you think any of the following experiences are true? They are so far fetched they are almost humorous.

    TITLE: Let's all make it to the Finish Line...[sr from Patterson] Bro. Sherman Butts.]

    Persecution - from the=2 governments, from our families, from the
    economy, etc.

    * Example of two young brothers who were beaten and pressured to pray
    (in school). The young boy refused and told the headmaster, that he
    could not be a Witness at home, but then be someone else at school.
    Another brother was tortured and vomited blood for 90days, but he kept
    his integrity and prayed that the other brothers being held would not
    surrender, but stay loyal.

    * One sister battled cancer for 17 years but never quit going to
    meetings. Another young brother faces pressure from young ladies
    everyday to commit immorality - but he remains clean. Another couple
    used to be loved by their family and friends when they were in the
    world, but once they learned the truth - they were shunned.

  • restrangled

    "Another couple
    used to be loved by their family and friends when they were in the

    world, but once they learned the truth - they were shunned."

    It all sounds bogus but the above takes the cake....talk about the pot calling the kettle black.


  • lisavegas420

    This one is true....

    Another young brother faces pressure from young ladies
    everyday to commit immorality - but he remains clean.

    ...in his dreams.


  • Magwitch

    Another young brother faces pressure from young ladies
    everyday to commit immorality - but he remains clean

    If there is any truth to this one it is only because he is gay!


    Another young brother faces pressure from young ladies
    everyday to commit immorality - but he remains clean.

    Ya right!

    No one wants to have sex with him..

    The WBT$ already F*cked him..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • marriedtojw

    People don't shun family members or friends who are JWs... But new JWs or JWs who renew their JWness shun people by refusing to do anything with them and then continually throw their enlightended JWness in their face that they're worldly unbelievers. But they're trained that people are doing it because they are evil and have demons in them, which is why they are shunning them. But its circular and ends up "justifying" to them that what they are told by the WT and elders is "true."

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Another BS experience I heard at a meeting from a visiting speaker. I think it was in Africa. A young man living with his parents accepts "Bible truth" and his parents throw him out of the house. He has no way of support, but decides to pioneer. He doesn't have anything to eat for an entire week. Soon he is invited to serve in a local branch home. He feels guilty about having three meals a day, so decides voluntarily to only eat one meal a day.

  • carla

    hmm, they don't seem to mention the many jw's who were thrown to the curb by their jw families for not believing wt nonsense and worldly people or churches took them in.

  • carla

    Forgot to say the worldly family was probably not 'shunning' the newbie jw's but rather they told the family they didn't want to come for holiday dinners anymore and the family honored their request.

  • leec

    well since a JW said them they cant be lies, so i guess they are for illustrative purposes only ...

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