Iranian theocracy a glimpse of life in JWs new system?

by AggieNostic 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AggieNostic

    Scary similarity to comments on this board previously regarding the attitudes of JWs toward DF/DA persons...

    TEHRAN (AFP) – Hundreds of thousands of government supporters took to Iran's streets on Wednesday in a show of force against the opposition, with a senior cleric telling their leaders to repent or be declared enemies of God and face death...

    ...Without naming anyone, Ayatollah Ahmad Alamolhoda told a Tehran rally that "millions of people here are telling the heads of the sedition that since the supreme leader still keeps open the gate of repentance for you, then in a deadline that should be set by the judiciary you must repent and return to the path of the leader."

    Alamolhoda, a member of the Assembly of Experts which selects the supreme leader, added: "If you do not, then this people and the regime will confront you as mohareb (enemies of God)."

    Those convicted of the offence face the death penalty.

  • villabolo

    I'll be glad when oil production peaks and they have to hoard it for their own use. Since those Muslim states use oil as the bread and butter of their society the moment their oil revenues start declining they'll be overthrown by their present supporters.

    As for similarities with the JWs that goes without saying. There won't be any "New System" of course but all they need is a good chunk of sovereign territory where they can play government. As for the phrase "enemies of God" I remember being called by the chairman of my Judicial Committee "The greatest hater of Jehovah's people since Nimrod" (funny, I don't remember Nimrod hating any organization, just setting himself up against God) and he stated several times that if If I were in Israel I would be stoned.


  • zero-zero-one

    If I were a scholar, I'd love to write a comparison between Biblical Ancient Isreal and the Taliban of Afghanistan.

  • dgp

    Heather and Gary Botting already wrote a comparison between Oceania and the WTBTS in their "The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses". I was amazed with the similarities. I even got myself a copy of 1984 (the book of course) to verify what the Bottings wrote. YES, IT IS TRUE. And I fully agree that Iran today is very similar to the WTBTS.

    In fact, the Bottings sort of suggest that maybe George Orwell used the WTBTS as inspiration for his book.

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