the WTBTS - Its own insurance agency?

by yrs2long 4 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • yrs2long

    Doing a watchtower search on, I came across not a few sites/hmo's listing the insurance companies they accept and listed among quite a few was Watchtower Bible Tract Society. Does the society have an internal health insurance agency? I asked my boyfriend about this and he said that in order for that to be the case, a company has to have plenty of money and usually does this to be able to specify its own coverage, i.e., no blood transfusions. Is this old news? Is this the coverage bethelites and the GB have?

    edited to provide sample site

  • alliwannadoislive

    oh come on yrs - do pay attention ! ... there's no need for health insurance as armagedon is imminent !

  • YoYoMama

    Yes, they insure all properties.


    Hey 2Long,yes it is old news.When your worth 951 billion dollars on the New York Stock exchange you can buy what ever you like...OUTLAW

  • simplesally

    That particular hospital is one of 5 of the bloodless surgery hospitals in Southern California. The HIS and HLC are active at this Center and give seminars bimonthly at this location for JW's. A JW elder is on the board of this hospital.

    I have a friend who still gets her dental treatment done at Bethel even though her missionary service is over.

    I would assume that with all the DO's, CO's and Assembly Hall Servants that are in the USA, along with any special full time servants, they'd have to have their own insurance company. And its not that hard to form one. Once you form one, you just re-insure it through another insurance company, like an A+15 company, one that's financial sound and well run (that gives it that A+15 Best rating)

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