Last Days

by cameo-d 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    I often hear it quoted that the "end will be like the days of Noah" in that everyone will be carrying on as usual, when all of a sudden it hits. Like a tsunami. A few may be watching and expecting it. I imagine that if you know a terrific earthquake has occurred, you might be wise to leave a coastal area that could be affected. But the warning does not always go out in time, and many may be unaware that they are in the path of a great wave. Tsunami's are not apparent until they are right in front of you.

    In taking the story of Noah at face value, "the flood" was clearly a planned event. It did not occur until Noah was ready for it to happen and had entered the ark.

    But what I want to talk about is the next verse down from that comparison of "days of Noah" in Luke. Specifically Luke 17: 28-30

    28"It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. 29 But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 "It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed.

    According to the scriptures, what happened in Sodom and Gommorah was not some mysterious "fire and brimstone" from outer space. It was not a volcanic explosion or a meteor. It was a deliberate jihad.

    The two men "angels" came to town with a mission to destroy the place. It is evident in the conversation between Lot and the angels. Lot is trying to figure out where he will go to get out of town. The angel told him to (basically) head for the hills; but Lot wanted time to get to another village which was a bit farther. They negotiated and the angel said, "I shall not be able to do a thing until you enter there. Lot entered into Segor." (Genesis 19:21)

    Very clearly, this was a planned detonation.

    The common thread in both of these warnings were that, whatever happened, it was not just a 'natural disaster'. It was something that had been planned.

    Would this not indicate that an Armageddon event will not be a natural disaster, but rather a deliberate destruction that is planned by evil men?

    Do you think something is in the air?

  • EndofMysteries

    Correct, Armageddon will not be a natural disaster. Prior to it, there will be MANY MANY things occuring though. It may be a period of several years of hardship beyond imagination. Famine so severe that there is cannibalism (USA is especially vulnerable). Violence, fear, chaos. Pestilence and sickness wiping out millions. Then various supernatural disasters and plagues.

    The grand finale, will likely be an event that you won't be allowed to visually witness. The great flood of Noah, they did not see the destruction as it was occuring, that's why they had to send out the bird to check. At Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot's wife perished for turning around to look. During the angel of God killing the first borns of Egypt, they were to remain inside with everything closed and shut. Based on recent study, I believe during the final denunciation, God's people must hide in the interior of their homes or wherever they are at, and any who go out to watch will be disintegrated by great heat and fire as it's passing over the earth removing the wicked.

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