QFR- Do Christians eat pretzels?

by carla 0 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • carla

    Should jw's eat pretzels? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Question from Readers- Dear Fds, Can you tell me if pretzels are for Christians? I recently served some at a get together with a few other faithful ones and noticed the bowl of pretzels went untouched. Not only did I serve these tasty morsels plain but I also covered some in chocolate! I thought I was imagining the strange looks around my buffet table but have now come to believe I may have erred. Normally I am well liked and nearly perfect as all jw's are, but lately I have noticed everyone at the kh seems to be avoiding me and are rather cold and distant. I can only conclude it was the pretzels that did me in as I have already mentioned I am nearly perfect and was always in good standing. I have heard that pretzels have pagan origins is this so?

    Answer- Dear pretzel eating pagan,

    Yes, you have erred in a most grievious way! We suggest you make an appointment with the local body of elders as soon as possible to confess this terrible hurt you have heaped upon jah. Eating this salty, crunchy little morsel is bad enough but to serve it to your brothers??!!! What were you thinking? Yes! Pretzels are indeed pagan as you can see here;

    "As early as 610AD at a monastery somewhere in Southern France or Northern Italy, where monks used scraps of dough and formed them into strips to represent a child's arms folded in prayer. The three empty holes represented the Christian Trinity.

    The monks offered the warm, doughy bribe to children who had memorized their Bible verses and prayers. The monks called it a Pretiola, Latin for little reward. From there, the pretzel transformed into the Italian word, Brachiola, which means little arms."

    While eating these pagan delelctables is not officially a df'ing offense certainly your wanton act of stumbling your brothers is! Even if you are not df'd for such a horrendous act you should by your own volition sit in the back, refrain from speaking from others and limit your interactions with your family until it is decided upon by the local hierarchy that you are repentent enough. May jah have mercy on you because as you know we don't.

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